Orange County NC Website
~~~~; a~~~~os~~~ ~. ~~~ <br />7~~ I-la~vkins R~. <br />Cedar Crove, ~iC. ~~`~~ <br />(~ 1 g~ ?3~-~~~^ <br />Mike Tapp, <br />The Cedar Crove Fire Department would like the ®range County Commissioners to <br />appoint the following people to our relief fund board. They are, James Homer of 3804 Lees <br />Chape! Rd and Jane Sparks of 7601 Wilkerson Rd. If you could get this added to the agenda for <br />the Dec. meeting would be a great help. I would like to get our Relief Fund board started by the <br />beginning of the year. <br />Thanks agai <br />,))){{{~~~II~ ~J <br />i ~ j / <br />3 <br />Chief Bill Cole <br />