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11 <br />managing the Private Provider system for the LME. Finally, a Service Authorization Unit <br />will be designed to monitor service provider outcomes and to manage the utilization <br />review process. <br />IV THE ROLE OF CONSUMER & FAMILYADVISORY COMMITTEE (CFAC) <br />As an Area Program, we have atwenty -year plus history of consumer involvement in an <br />advisory and decision making capacity that goes far beyond state mandated requirements. <br />Consumers have consistently played an active role in a variety of areas including <br />membership on the Client Rights Committee and the Area Board. In keeping with this long <br />standing practice, we look forward to a productive working relationship with our Consumer <br />Family Advisory Committee. As directed by state statute and rule, the Committee's duties <br />and responsibilities shall be consistent with the principles of the State Plan. These include, <br />but are not limited to: <br />• advising and commenting on the LME's local business plan a pl nning effort <br />• reviewing and submitting a separate report to the Divisi on the ME's local business <br />plan and planning effort <br />• providing recommendations on areas of service ligi ' ity a d ervice array, including <br />identifying gaps in services <br />• assisting in the identification of der- rve po ulatio s <br />• providing advice and cons tion ga d' g he de opme t additional services and <br />new models of servi <br />• monitoring se e dev o m~ a d el ery <br />• reviewing and o nt n on s e d l0 1 e budgets <br />• observing and ep rti g t im ntat' n of state and local business plans <br />• participating in all qu li 'm r ve activities, including tracking and reporting on <br />outcome meas e d e fo ace indicators <br />• ensuring cons a an fa ' y participation in all quality improvement projects at both <br />the provider an L levels <br />In addition, CFAC will have representation on various LME committees. This will allow <br />for the participation in policy development, consumer survey development and outcome <br />system design and analysis. The CFAC will also have access to LME management and <br />governing board for the purpose of advising the LME about needed service <br />improvements. The CFAC has already identified several urgent needs including housing, <br />transportation, and the DD waiting_list. CFAC will also help father and provide on~oin~ <br />needs assessment service evaluation data and will have access to all LME service, <br />outcome, and cost data that is not restricted by confidentiality. CFAC will also help <br />gather and provide ongoing needs assessment service evaluation data. They will be <br />responsible for assisting in the identification of training needs and for providing relevant <br />training to LME staff. <br />The CFAC has proposed the establishment of a Self-Help & Peer Support Center. The <br />LME will support the establishment of such a project and will work to mobilize resources <br />sufficient to operate a formal staff organization. Since the State of North Carolina has <br />expressed strong support and endorsement of independent consumer empowerment <br />outside LME control, we fully expect direct State funding of this effort. Once <br />7 <br />