Agenda - 12-10-2002-1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-10-2002
Agenda - 12-10-2002-1
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30 <br /> M 3: Seo ember 4 20 .1 BOCC m eetlna <br /> k Hilisborouah Judicial Facilities ExDanston Planning Process <br /> The Board considered approving a planning process to be used in the <br /> design/construction of the justice facilities expansion project. <br /> John Link said that he is asking County Commissioners to approve the next <br /> phase of the justice facility expansion. A Jail expansion and a new courtroom were <br /> added in 1998. However,there are additional needs for justice facilities. <br /> Pam Jones said that a task force was appointed in 1994 to develop a needs <br /> assessment for the court needs. As an interim measure beds were added to the jail to <br /> bring the capacity up to 128. In July 2001 the average daily population was 125. The <br /> Federal Marshal's Office stills uses our jails for federal prisoners. A year ago, a master <br /> plan was developed by architects to determine how much could be built on the judicial <br /> facilities site. They laid out two options for that site. Each project would be built in four <br /> phases and each would have specific parking options. One of the options is to have a <br /> six-level parking deck,which would be in the location of the Sheriff's office. The other <br /> option had the parking incorporated in the building and would be built in phase two. The <br /> scope of the master plan is Stilihouse Creek to Margaret Lane to Churton Street to the <br /> edge of the courthouse parking lot. A long-term study of County space needs was <br /> conducted recently through the Space Needs task force. One of the recommendations <br /> is to add to the Government Services Center on Cameron Street. It seems prudent at <br /> this point to look at the entire site as a whole. The staff has requested that the Board of <br /> County Commissioners approve an expansion of the master plan. She would propose to <br /> ask Freeman White to update the previous master plan,then move forward with the <br /> planning process. <br /> Pam Jones then spoke to the planning process. Knowing that there will be <br /> an impact on downtown Hillsborough,the process has three components. The first is <br /> the selection of the architect and designer of the building and River Park The second is <br /> a programming group that would look at the exterior of the building to make sure that it <br /> does not overpower the downtown Hillsborough area. The third is a programming group <br /> that would focus on the interior of the building. These are limited to judicial officials, <br /> County staff,and County Commissioners that would be operating within the building. <br /> Other users could also give input. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked about the Sheriffs office and Pam Jones said <br /> that it could be torn down to make room for needed parking. There are other options, <br /> but this is the best plan. <br /> Commissioner Brown confirmed that the first phase would be a building <br /> adjacent to the present courthouse. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked to have visuals for the citizens present when <br /> information is presented. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the Sheriff's building and said that <br /> the building should be left intact if possible. He said that it was nice to have to <br /> presupposition that we will use what we have. He suggested inviting Freeman White to <br /> the work session on space studies. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Carey to endorse the assumptions as listed on page three adding Commissioner Jacobs' <br /> words about being prudent for the Sheriff's office and respecting the space needs study <br /> recommendation as stated by Pam Jones as follows: "The expanded master plan would <br /> consider and leave intact the recommendation for potential expansion of the <br /> FYnanriPCi Master Plan Work session on 4-30-02.max <br />
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