Orange County NC Website
/8 <br />This space for office use only <br />VOLUNTEER APPLICATION <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />If you are an Orange County resident, at least 18 years old, and willing to volunteer your time and <br />expertise to your community, please complete this application and return to: <br />Orange County Commissioners' Office <br />P.O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Phone (919) 732-8181; 688-7331; 9G8-4501; 227-2031 <br />Ext. 2125, 2129 or 2130 -Fax: (919644-0246) <br />NAME; ________________________w__ Matthew H. O'Brien <br />HOME ADDRESS: ---------_-___ 420 Hogan Woods Circle <br />CITY: --------------------------__~-- Chapel Hill <br />STATE: ------------------------------- NC <br />ZIP CODE: ---------------------------- 27516 <br />TELEPHONE: (Home) ------------- 919.929.9866 <br />TELEPHONE: (Work) ----------- 336.288.7180 <br />TELEPHONE: (FAX) ---------------- 336.288.8980 <br />EMAII..: --------------------------------- <br />PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT: ------ S&ME, Inc. <br />70B TITLE: ------------------------- Manager -Natural Resourecs <br />TOWNSHIP OF RESIDENCE: --- Chapel Hill <br />ZONE OF RESIDENCE: ---------- - <br />SEX: -------_____-_---------_-~_-_ Male <br />ETHNIC BACKGROUND: --------- Caucasian <br />DATE OF BIRTH: -------------------- 5/21/66 <br />LIST, IN PREFERENCE, THE BOARDS/COMMISSIONS ON WHICH YOU WOULD BE WILLING <br />TO SERVE: <br />1: ---------------------- Commission on the Environment <br />2. ---------------------- Agriculture Preservation Board <br />3. --------------------- <br />Please list any work, volunteer and/or educational experience you would like to have considered <br />in the review of your application. <br />WORK EXPERIENCE: 1990-1998 Research Triangle Institute, RIP, NC (Research <br />Environmental Scientist)1998-2000 Wetland & Environmental Services, Inc. Myrtle Beach, SC <br />(Sr. Project Manager)2000-present S&MIJ, Inc. (Manager -Natural Resources) <br />VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: 1998-2000 Vice-Chair Horry County Stormwater Advisory <br />Committee, Hony County, SC <br />S G G G Gtit-cn <br />a ~C/ <br />