Orange County NC Website
SUBMITTED DECEMBER 3, 2gg1 <br />21 <br />Comprehensive Plan. Orange County is opposed to any widening of I-40 <br />through Orange County unless there is a commitment by NCDOT to provide <br />HOV and/or dedicated bus lanes. Orange County also requests that NCDOT <br />landscape interchanges for this project in an aesthetic manner. <br />COMMENTS ON OTHER TIP PROJECTS INITIATED BY NCDOT <br />1) 1-305• widening of I-85 to six lanes and reconstruction of interchanges from I- <br />4Q at Hillsborough to Durham Counter Line: Orange County is opposed to any <br />widening of I-85 through Orange County unless there is a commitment by <br />NCDOT to provide HOV and/or dedicated bus lanes. <br />Even though this project remains an "UNFUNDED PROJECT", Orange <br />County requests that its staff be allowed to participate in the planning of the <br />facility. The County is specifically interested in the following infrastructure <br />improvements as they relate to the I-fi35fUS 70 Economic Development <br />District: <br />a} Erosion Control Measures -Orange County requests that permanent <br />erosion control measures be included in the project. <br />b) Landscaping of Interchanges -- Orange County requests that NCDOT <br />landscape all reconstnacted interchanges in an aesthetic manner. <br />c} Pedestrian and Bic~rcle Facilities -Orange County requests that its <br />staff be allowed to participate in the determination of where and what <br />type of facilities are to be included in this project. Among the features <br />requested for inclusion are sidewalks and bike lanes (see the Regional. <br />Bicycle Plan for Durham and Orange Counties along roads where <br />interchange improvements are required and adequate guardrails on <br />overpasses. <br />d} Wildlife Corridor Under I-85 (in the vicinity of US7Q Interchange} - <br />Orange County requests that its staff be allowed to participate during <br />the planning stage and that this issue be brought to the attention of the <br />NCDOT Staff Biologist. Constructing this wildlife corridor is one of the <br />recommendations presented in the "The New Hope Corridor Open <br />Space Master Plan: Proposals for Linking Duke Forest and Eno River <br />State Park," Orange County also requests that NCDOT consulfi county <br />staff in designing the interchange at US 70 to provide a pedestrian trail <br />under 1-55 linking New Hope Creek and the Eno River (New Hope <br />Rustic Woodland Trail proposed as an element of the Lands Legacy <br />Program). <br />e) Intersection of Pleasant Green Road SSR 1567) ~ Mt Herman Church <br />Road (SR 1713 - NCDOT Division 7 Traffic Engineers have <br />