Orange County NC Website
3 <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: John Link, County Manager <br />From: David Stancil, Environment and Resource Conservation Director <br />Date: November 27, 2002 <br />Re: Adams Tract <br />This memo attempts to build on the Board's discussion on November 11th and <br />19th regarding this potential joint venture with the Town of Carrboro and craft a <br />possible scenario of participation that meets multiple interests. <br />New Information <br />I have clarified the status of the Clean Water Management Trust Fund grant. At <br />the November 19t" Board of Commissioners meeting, new information had just <br />been made public about an apparent Clean Water grant award in the amount of <br />$200,000. Prior to this announcement by Carrboro, information was received <br />from the Trust Fund staff that a County decision on financial participation by <br />December 3rd would be in sufficient time to be considered as part of the Town's <br />grant request. Inconsistencies between the two responses were noted on <br />November 19"'. <br />In further discussions with Town staff, I have clarified that there is (as of this <br />writing) no final decision on the Town's grant request. A tentative grant in the <br />amount of $200,000 was proposed at the Trust Fund Board meeting on <br />November 12th. A final decision on the grant will be made on December 10tH, <br />consistent with my previous discussions with Trust Fund staff. Town staff <br />indicates that the final grant award is pending a commitment of local <br />government matching funds (which Carrboro has requested of the County). <br />In addition, speakers at the meeting indicated the potential of raising additional <br />private funds among a number of local groups (as well as other grant sources to <br />assist the Town) to help raise the funding needed for purchase. <br />