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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />DECISION ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: December 2, 2002 <br />Action Age~a <br />Item No. <br />SUBJECT: Telecommunications Tower Ordinance Amendments <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning and Inspections PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) NO <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Administration Ordinance Pg 6 <br />Table of Permitted Uses Amendment Pg 29a INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Recommended Changes by Planning Brd. Pg 29b Craig Benedict, Director, Ext. 2592 <br />Planning Board Ordinance (Draft copy) Pg 46 Tom King, Planner II, Ext. 2607 <br />Proposed Schedule of Fees Amendment Pg 67 <br />S <br />peakers info presented @ Public Hearing TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />and Planning Board Pg 68 <br /> <br />Minutes of August 26, 2002 Public Hearing Hillsborou h 732-8181 <br />g <br />Hearing Pg 96 Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br />Minute of September 4, 2002 Planning Durham 688-7331 <br />Board Meeting Pg 102 Mebane 336-227-2031 <br />Map of Existing Telco Towers P 114 <br />PURPOSE: To close the Public Hearing and to make a decision regarding the proposed <br />Telecommunication Tower (Telco) Amendments. <br />BACKGROUND: On March 6, 2002, the Board of County Commissioners approved asix- <br />month moratorium on the processing of Special Use Permits relating to Telecommunication <br />Towers. The purpose of the moratorium was to allow Staff sufficient time to gather information, <br />work closely with the County Attorney's Office, prepare amendments and to make a <br />presentation at the August 26, 2002 Quarterly Public Hearing pertaining to updating/revising the <br />existing regulations. As the industry has been rapidly changing, so has the need to keep up to <br />date. The Planning Staff met twice with all interested County Departments to discuss areas of <br />common interest. EMS and IT, as well as other functions, have a stake in the <br />telecommunications amendments. <br />Staff held an informational meeting with telecommunication industry representatives on July 31, <br />2002 to receive their comments and concerns on the proposals. Seven people attended the <br />meeting. Primary concerns were limiting application review to once per year, clarification of the <br />`existing structures' definition, drop in tower height, required inspections and fees. <br />On August 12, 2002, Staff held a meeting with potential participants in the Master <br />Telecommunication Plan ("Plan") program to gauge interest in the Plan. Six persons attended <br />the meeting. Farmers participating in the Voluntary Agricultural District program were <br />particularly interested in additional revenue sources to help offset rising farming expenses and <br />to promote sustainability. According to those farmers present, the additional income from land <br />leases to telecommunication providers could be the difference in continuing to farm versus <br />having to sell off parts of the farm to pay for rising costs and operating expenses. <br />