Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Draft 5 - 11-26-02 <br />1St Orange County Environmental Summit <br />Every two years on the last Saturday In March <br />10.•00 a. m, to 12 moon <br />March 29, 2003 <br />Location: Southern Human Services Center (tentative). Meeting room <br />and lawn (weather permitting). <br />Draft Agenda. for March 29, 2003 <br />1. 10:00 Breakfast /Welcome and Introductions <br />2. 10:10 Dignitaries/Other Brief Speakers/Orange County <br />Achievements <br />3. 10:25 State of the Environment presentation (public audience) <br />4. 10:45 Keynote Speaker <br />5. 11:15 First Annual Orange County Conservation Award(s) <br />6. 11:30 Free-time, Exhibits (all land trusts and conservation groups <br />invited to have displays) <br />7. 12:00 Adjourn (Nature Hike/Field trip -optional) <br />Invitees <br />- General Public <br />- Members of all area conservation and environmental groups <br />- All land trusts <br />- Interested citizens, students (collegiate and high school) <br />- Elected Officials <br />- Advisory Board members <br />- State officials (DENR, others) <br />- Media <br />