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When this item was discussed by the Board on October 1, interest in having criteria for the <br />Conservation Award was expressed. The Commission for the Environment has since <br />developed criteria (attached) which would be used by the CFE to recommend individuals for the <br />Board's consideration (and could also be used by the Board for awards). <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: To help defray costs for the Summit, the Commission for the <br />Environment proposes to ask local restaurants and markets to contribute breakfast. The <br />Summit would be held at a public facility, such as the Southern Human Services Center. <br />The anticipated cost of the summit is less than $1,000. Other donations will be solicited to <br />cover the costs of the event. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the BOCC approve the Commission <br />for the Environment's proposal and authorize the CfE and ERCD to plan and organize an <br />Orange County Environmental Summit for March 29, 2003, and to authorize staff and the CfE to <br />solicit nominations for a new Orange County Conservation Award (in December). <br />