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<br />BOOK 6 FACE 623 <br />-9- <br />According to the following formula: <br />Sound Pressure Level in Decibels equals 10 log P <br />1 <br />P <br />where P2 equals 0.0002 dynes/=2 2 <br />If the noise is not smooth and continuous. one or more of the oor- <br />rections in Table 3 below shall be added to or subtracted from each of the <br />decibel levels given above in Table 2. <br />Table <br />Type of Operation or Character of Noise Correction in Decibels <br />Noise source operates less than 20% of plus 5w <br />any one hour period <br />Poise source operates less than 5% of plus 10e <br />any one hour period <br />Noise source operates less than 1% of plus 15? <br />any one hour period <br />Noise of impulsive character minus 5 <br />(blasting, hammering, etc.) <br />Noise of periodic character minus 5 <br />(hum, Screech, etc.) <br />re Apply one of these corrections only. <br />8.2.11 Glare <br />Glare, whether direct or reflected, such as from floodlights or high <br />temperature processes, and as differentiated from general illumination, shall <br />not be visible at any property line. <br />8.2.12 Vibration <br />Vibration shall not be discernible at any property line to the human <br />sense of feeling for three minutes or more duration in any one hour. Vibration <br />at any one time shall not produce at any time an acceleration of more than 0.1 <br />i <br />gravities or shall result in any combination of amplitudes and frequencies, <br />beyond the "safe" range of current standards set by the United States Bureau <br />of Mines, on any structure. The methods and equations currently approved by