Agenda - 12-02-2002-8m
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-02-2002
Agenda - 12-02-2002-8m
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Minutes - 20021202
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2002
S Grant - NCDOT Community Transportation (CTP) Administrative and Capital Grant Application
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\BOCC Grants\2000 - 2009\2002\2002 Grants
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FY 2003 - 2004 CTP Application <br />Community Transportation Program Resolution <br />COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM RESOLUTION <br />RESOLUTION <br />Applicant Seeking Permission to Apply for Communi , Transportation Program Funding, <br />Enter Into Agreement With The North Carolina Department Of Transportation <br />And to Provide the Necessary Assurances. <br />A motion was made by (Board Member's Name) <br />and seconded by (Board Member's Name) <br />for the adoption of the following resolution, and upon being put to a vote was duly adopted. <br />WHEREAS, Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North Carolina General Statutes and the Governor <br />of North Carolina have designated the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as <br />the agency responsible for administering federal and state public transportation funds; and <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation will apply for a grant from the US <br />Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration and receives funds from the North <br />Carolina General Assembly to provide assistance for rural public transportation projects; and <br />WHEREAS, the purpose of these transportation funds is to provide grant monies to local agencies <br />for the provision of rural public transportation services consistent with the policy requirements for <br />planning, community and agency involvement, service design, service alternatives, training and <br />conference participation, reporting and other requirements (drug and alcohol testing policy and <br />program, disadvantaged business enterprise program, and fully allocated costs analysis); <br />WHEREAS, (Applicant's Name) COUNTY OF ORANGE hereby assures and certifies that it <br />will comply with the federal and state Statutes, regulations, executive orders, Section 5333 (b) <br />Warranty, and all administrative requirements which relates to the applications made to and grants <br />received from the Federal Transit Administration, as well as the provisions of Section 1001 of <br />Title 18, U. S. C. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the (Authorized Official's Title)* CHAIR <br />of (Name of Applicant'sGoverning Body)ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />is hereby authorized to submit a grant application for federal and state funding, make the <br />necessary assurances and certifications and be empowered to enter into an agreement with the <br />NCDOT to provide rural public transportation services. <br />I (Cert~ing Official's Name)* <br />(Title) <br />do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes of a meeting of <br />the (Name of Applicant's Governing Board)ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />duly held on the 02 day of DECEMBER , 2002. <br />Signature of Certifying Official <br />
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