Orange County NC Website
ERIE INSURANCE CC~u1PANY <br />Public Official Bond <br />Bond No. Q~!. 7360020 1HC <br />~na#is ~it ~Ce>n ~ 3t~ese ~resen#s, <br />That We, .. Kezmeth,l~R'Oan! .Chaviaus ........................................................ . <br />of .... ....~~'..~ ........................................................... s: Princpps! <br />and the ERIE INSURANCE COMPANY. a corportbn duly incorporated under the Isws of the State of <br />Pennsylvania. having ib principal office in the City of Erik in the said Stab, and licensed to do business in <br />th* Sbte of .. Pennsylvania ... with offices at .100 Erie Yt~surance Place, Erie, Pa <br />.................... ....................................i65~o ' <br />as Suety. an held and firmly bound unto ... ~'.Coaait~- ~~.~ Ca®issionera ......... <br />.................................................................................................. <br />in the wm of ... ~.~,fifty, th~ousat~d ............... .................... oilers. <br />lawful money of the United States of America. for the payment of which. well and truly to be made, we <br />bind ourselves. our hairs. exewtor, administrator. successors and assigru. jointly and severally. firmly <br />by theN presenb. <br />.......28th ........... <br />StAL,tO tiiffRM ONII SiA~li and dead this ... day of . Se~tamb~r t 9 9?.. . <br />................................................................ <br />Whireaa, the above bounden ... ~~ ~o~ ~~o~ <br />was on the .......23rd......... day of ......October ........... tla .92... duly appoint~oaa>taltNbc <br />Of sa Deers <br />Director Of. Finance ...................... of the . ~~ ~~. Board .............. ... . <br />for a term tsrginning on the .?~~.d!F. of, October,, 1992 ...................................... . <br />Now, tAerNons the oonditla+ of this obligatbn is such: <br />.............................. ........................................ <br />that if the show bounden ~~ rn~ ~~ <br />shat l well and faithfully discharge the duties of his offiq and promptly account for and pay over ail moneys <br />or property received by hint as such offlcsr. in acCOrdana with law. or in default thereof, the parties exe- <br />cutMg this undertaking will pay as damages. cosh and expenses resulting from such default, not exceed- <br />ing the sum shave mantlaNd. then this obligatbn to be void: otherwise to remain in full force and effect. <br />This underbkit~g may not be changed or modified orally. No change or modification shall be effective <br />unless made by writhe endorsenNrK issued to form a part hereof. <br />In 1NNnees 1Nhereol, said Principal has hereunto set his hand and sed and .the ERIE INSURANCE <br />COMPANY hss affixed ib corpOrah seal, attested by the signature of ib duly authorized Attorneyin-Fact, <br />the day and year tint above written. Kentyet~h ~avi0~ <br />Principal /.~'>~J~G.r~"_"_"........ . <br />I:wE tariPArn ~, <br />~~-. .C.~. ~~~ ............... <br />sFaz ~~si <br />