Orange County NC Website
~?. <br />J <br />Carolina <br />DD° <br />l <br />ure Gom an <br />estern S <br />vv p y <br />OFFICIAL BOND <br />KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: Bond No. 68793590 <br />That we, Jo ce H. Pearson <br />of Hillsborough ,North Carolina, as Principal, and WESTERN SURE <br />COMPANY, a corporation duly licensed to do business in the State of North Carolina, as Surety, are hel <br />and firmly bound unto State of North Carol ' n 25 000.00 ) <br />in the sum of Twenty Five Thousand and 00/100 DOLLARS ($ <br />for the payment of which well and truly to be made, we .bind ourselves and our legal repreaentativesl jointl <br />sad sever~by these prese`nts.- <br />Dated this 1st day of November _ 2002 _. <br />THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That whereas, the said Principal has been <br />^ appointed ®elected to the office of Register of Deeds , <br />for the term beginning the 7th day of December 2002 ,and ending the <br />7th day of December 2006 <br />NOW THEREFORE, if the said Principal shall in all things faithfully perform the duties of his office and <br />shall , ~~unt for all moneys and effects that may come into hia hands in his official capacity during <br />thec~,~~ r. ~is obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. <br />!Am~4 ' ~'e ~ ted by the Surety upon the following express conditions, which shall be conditions <br />p~}o ~!~1 + recovery hereunder: <br />g SST: The `~yu~ shall not be liable for the loss of any public moneys or funds resulting from the <br />fffi13~ ~x,dy~lt;'y'~~ayment by any Banks or Depositories in which any public moneys or funds have beep <br />may be cancelled by the Surety as to future liability by giving written notice, by <br />certified mail, addressed to each, the Principal and the Obligee at state of North Carolina , <br />and thirty (30) days after the mailing of said notices by certified mail, this bond shall be cancelled and null <br />and void as to any liability thereafter arising, the Surety remaining liable, however, subject to all the terms <br />an conditions of this bond for any and all acts covered by thin bond up to the date of ouch cancellation. <br />W' esa to Principal <br />ciP <br />Witness to <br />SURETY <br />COMPANY <br />North Carolina Resident Agent <br />Approved this y ~3~ -day of OD Z. <br />Forth 12e~-A-~-OB <br />