Orange County NC Website
11/22/2002 FRI 13:01 FAQ Suneers Thoipson Lowry <br />~' PuBI,.IC oFFICI~u. eorlD - <br />FOR DEFINITE TERM <br />TRANer'1'RS CASUALTY i a1JRE1Y COMPANY OP AMERICA <br />Hanford. conr~eotlout o613S <br />BOND NO. 26044172 <br />IOdOW ALL MEN f3Y Tl1ESE PRESENTS, Thd we <br />ALBERT L PQNDiRGRAsS <br />of 400 SEVERIN STREET. CHAPEL WL1.. NORTH txAROLMIA, as PAndpoi. <br />and TRAVELERS CASUALTY a SURETY COMPAt7Y OF ~JuIERICA, a aorporntion of NaRford~ Connacdcut. as <br />Surely are held <br />and 1frrMy bouod unto OR/1NOE COUNTY, HILL9WOR00011. NORTH CAROLINA <br />in the penal sum oT TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND MID Ot>/1 OE-(i~000.t10}-Doitars. <br />IavrW[ money of the Unlbsd States of /1nre~lCa,lbr 1f1s 1?aymerk ~tv+~ich well and ~b ~ be made. sell prtndpal binds <br />WmaelLlf+erself~ hfsll~er hems, eooeadors. adrt~ntelraAoa atta sue. and said Surety bincb itself. its suooeasors and <br />~~- i~tiy and -. tirmiy by these prrsents <br />SEALED and dated this 21'~ day of NOVEIIIBER. 7AOil. <br />WHEREAS. the said prltlclPel hes bean APPOINl'EO b the off ce of SHRRiE? <br />1br a definite term be0inntnp DEGEi~ER !. 2002 andendirp L-Bt~1iABER 1, ?AOi imd 1s required <br />b fumkh a bond for ttw taigr(ul pafoansr~ee of the dudes of ttM3 said otfios or positlon_ <br />NOW, THEREFORE THE CONDITION OF THIS 08L1GATION M such that ft the about bounden Prfndpal shall (e~cAept <br />as hereinafEer provided) taWrNgy perform the dutiue vt his/her said ofAoa ar posklon duArp the said term, and <br />shall pay ov~srto the persons aAhortrad ey law b rncefw the sane ail moneys ~ may Dome into hisAbr hands durlnp <br />1M .said term wMlwut fraud or delay. and at tM expka~~on of said term, or >n oars oh hisA~er resf0rlatfOn or romoval from <br />oilfoe. shall 1um Quarto hb~Mer sttooessor aN record; an0 property whidf have Dome info his/her hands. lher- this <br />obBpation to be nnp grid void; olhervrMe oo remain in full tome and effect. <br />PROVIDED, HIOV1fEVER. that the above named Su~egl shaft not be tiaWe hereunder for any Io:s of any pubilc fund <br />tssulWfp tom the inaolvenq cfi any bank or banks to vAtich sak fluids art deposited: and. tf this provision shell be held <br />void, this enBne bond shag be void. <br />M1D PROVIDED FURTHER, that the • SurMy may oancN toed at any time during the said term by givfn0 to iM <br />oblipeo a wtittcn notip of its desks so to cancel and r. the eucptretion of thirty ~ days from the rsaeipt of such native <br />by the obligee t!a surety shell be completely released es to a8 l abiQly tlfeiesRsr aooruing. 1t this provlajon shell bs held <br />void, this erdtne bond shell be void. _ , <br />WITNfi<S8: ~~ <br />TiW CASUALTY i SURCTY COMPANY Of AMfIRICA <br />r ~~ <br />8; <br />l~r A. Rlerrwninp~ <br />8-71~IN (1-78) <br />i~ZE'd TT.LbZt~66T6TZ6 Ol 1.S££ Sra p0L ~lOH S13~'Of1Eltil. 2L-1 8T :£T i.BS~JZ ZZ (~V <br />