Agenda - 12-02-2002-6b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-02-2002
Agenda - 12-02-2002-6b
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• Ease of data integration with other applications such as revenue operations. <br />Implementation Process <br />The implementation of the software package is estimated to be completed within six months. <br />Although this is an aggressive timeline, with the help of the internal project manager assigned to <br />the project, the timetable appears realistic. The financial applications, including General <br />Ledger, Payroll, Purchasing, and Budget will be implemented first and are estimated to be <br />completed within 90-120 days. Assuming a notice to proceed on the project is issued no later <br />than December 13, 2002, the implementation can be completed while permitting the 2003-04 <br />Budget/CIP preparation process to remain on schedule. This is critically important since the <br />department heads responsible for leading that process will also be required to dedicate <br />significant time to the implementation of the new software package. <br />Internal Project Management <br />For this critically important undertaking, staff proposes to use a project management approach <br />modeled after the highly successful Y2K preparation process in 1999. In view of the <br />constrained staff resources of each of the small departments that will be responsible for <br />implementing the new software package, additional coordinating support from someone whose <br />work effort is dedicated only to this project will be necessary for its timely and successful <br />implementation. Since all department heads and key departmental staff involved with business <br />system replacement will also have to carry out their day-to-day operational responsibilities, <br />provisions for an internal project manager (IPM) was included in the MUNIS contract. The IPM <br />will be responsible for coordinating all steps in the implementation process between the County <br />and MUNIS and ensuring that the work is completed on time and accurately. The contract <br />presented for Board consideration includes the equivalent of two full on-site days per week of <br />the six-month contract period at a total cost of $57,200. The IPM will also be available to the <br />County for telephone consultations at no additional cost. With the limited County-staff <br />resources, this individual is key to the successful implementation of the MUNIS system. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total cost of the MUNIS system has been negotiated at a not to <br />exceed amount of $480,000, including the cost of the Internal Project Manager and data <br />conversion. Staff proposes to add the cost of this package to the BB&T private placement <br />proposal obtained for Landfill equipment and previously approved by the Board. The interest <br />rate for the funds is 3.75% for afive-year term, yielding an annual debt service payment of <br />approximately $107,000. Funds to support the 2002-2003 debt service payment are currently <br />available through the IT Plan Capital Project Ordinance in the County's Capital Investment Plan. <br />Funding for future payments can be addressed through annual appropriations the Board makes <br />under the CIP for the IT Plan. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board receive the information <br />and provide any questions to staff in preparation for the proposed bid award on December 10, <br />2002. <br />
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