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305 <br />e. If the Plan is adopted, telecommunication providers shall meet the same <br />performance evaluation standards for a building permit as they currently meet in the <br />Board approval process. <br />f. Additions to the Plan will only be considered annually (proposed at the February <br />Public Hearing). A fee to cover advertisement and administrative processing (legal <br />ad, mailing, etc) is proposed. <br />e. Withdrawal from the Plan can be accomplished by submitting a notarized statement <br />from the owner(s) that requests that their property be withdrawn from the Plan. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: No financial impact at this time with human resources being used from <br />existing departmental staffs. Eventually, the use of an MTP could provide financial and public <br />benefits. Department involvement would eventually include but not be limited to, Planning and <br />Inspections Department, EMS, Sheriff, Information Services, Purchasing, Public Works, ERCD, <br />and Parks and Recreation. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Administration recommends that the Board approve the pursuit <br />of finalization of the MTP and prepare the Plan for formal adoption through the public hearing <br />process. <br />G:\Current Planning Div\Tking\Abstract.MTP.November 25, 2002 PH <br />