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3 <br />• New Salou Drive will be constructed as a collector, and will provide a future connection <br />with the large undeveloped tract to the west. <br />• All seven roads (New Salou Drive, Trumpet Court, Vine Court, Bee Balm Court, Onslow <br />Court, Climbing Aster Court, and the new portion of High Ridge Drive) will be public and <br />constructed to NCDOT standards. <br />Residential Lots: <br />• Thirty-two (32) single-family residential lots per the conventional development option <br />• Average lot size = 42,491 square feet (0.975 acres); Gross lot size 1.71 acres <br />• Minimum lot size per R-1 Zoning District = 40,000 square feet <br />• Minimum lot size using individual well and septic systems = 40,000 square feet <br />• Minimum to actual lot size ratio (MTAR) = 1.06 <br />• Minimum density per Back Creek and Upper Eno Protected Watersheds = 1 dwelling unit <br />per 40,000 square feet <br />• Minimum to actual density ratio (MTADR) = 1.86 <br />• Impervious Surface limit per Back and Upper Eno PWs = 12% <br />Open Space: <br />• Minimum open space required for Conventional Development = 0% of site <br />• Proposed open space = 17.29 acres (31.58% of site) controlled by the Homeowner <br />Association <br />• Open space includes centrally located mini-park linked to pedestrian trail <br />• Open space along New Salou and High Ridge drives provides for pedestrian travel along <br />main roads outside of rights-of-way. <br />Buffers: <br />• The applicant has self-imposed a 30-foot building buffer area along the site perimeter and <br />between the subdivision and any off-site public street right-of-way. (There is no building <br />buffer requirement for conventional subdivisions.) <br />• A 30-foot Type-A Land Use Buffer (semi-opaque: intermittent visual obstructions from the <br />ground to a height of at least thirty feet) is required along Frazier Road and the proposed <br />New Salou Drive per Section IV-B-8. <br />• Typical lot landscape plan specifies primary and secondary tree protection areas <br />Recreation & Parks: <br />Public Recreation Space <br />• The site is located in the Cheeks Township District Park (per the Recreation Service Area <br />Boundaries Map. <br />• No physical dedication is warranted because neither county recreation sites nor <br />conservation sites have been identified for this area, as part of the current Comprehensive <br />Plan. The payment in-lieu of option is viable. <br />Private Recreation Space <br />• The applicant must reserve a minimum of 36,852 square feet of open space for private <br />recreation use (Per Section IV-B-7-b Recreation Sites, Orange County Subdivision <br />Regulations and Articles 5.1.1 & R.12 of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance). <br />• The proposed pedestrian trail and mini-park satisfy this requirement. <br />