Agenda - 11-19-2002-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-19-2002
Agenda - 11-19-2002-9c
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9/1/2008 11:50:57 PM
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8/29/2008 11:13:32 AM
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Minutes - 20021119
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2002
RES-2002-085 Eno Ridge Subdivision (formerly James Woods) – Preliminary Plan
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2002
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8 <br />cuts shall be a minimum of 50 feet from street intersections. These restrictions <br />shall be stated in a document describing development restrictions and <br />requirements to be prepared by Planning Staff and recorded concurrently with <br />the final plat. Non-vehicular access easements (NVA)--areas where access is <br />prohibited to the roadway--shall also be shown on the final plat. <br />5. Approved street name signs shall be erected at the intersections of: Frazier Road <br />(SR 1342) and New Salou Drive, New Salou Drive and Trumpet Court, New <br />Salou Drive and Vine Court, New Salou Drive and Bee Balm Court, New Salou <br />Drive and Onslow Court, New Salou Drive and High Ridge Drive, and High Ridge <br />Drive and Climbing Aster Court, as required in Section IV-B-3-c-12 Street Name <br />Signs of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations prior to Planning <br />Department signatures on the Final Plat. <br />6. The applicant shall construct New Salou Drive to the western edge of the Onslow <br />Court right-of-way, and shall install a disclosure sign (between three and four <br />square feet) at the western end of New Salou Drive indicating its future <br />extension. <br />7. The internal pedestrian walkway system and mini-park shall be installed as <br />indicated on the Preliminary and Final plats and inspected by Planning <br />Department staff prior to Final Plat approval. The Declaration of Development <br />Restrictions for Eno Ridge Subdivision prepared by the Developer shall include a <br />maintenance agreement for the Homeowners Association to permanently <br />maintain the internal walkway system and mini-park. <br />8. Dedicate additional five feet of right-of-way along the entire frontage of Frazier <br />Road. Dedication to be shown on final plat. <br />9. Prior to Planning Department signatures on the final plat a left center turn lane <br />shall be constructed to NCDOT standards, or bonded for, at the entrance to this <br />project on Frazier Road. If the bonding option is chosen the construction of the <br />turn lane shall be completed prior to the issuance of the first certificate of <br />occupancy. <br />10. Twenty-foot temporary construction easements shall be shown, on the final plat, <br />along both sides the unconstructed portion of New Salou Drive from Onslow <br />Court to the western boundary of the subdivision tract. <br />C. Land Use Buffers and Landscaping <br />Landscaping shall be installed or preserved as indicated on an approved <br />landscape plan and shall be inspected and approved by the Planning <br />Department prior to Final Plat approval and again prior to the transfer of control <br />of the Homeowners Association from the developer to the home owners as <br />provided by the recorded Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions <br />for Eno Ridge Subdivision. Landscaping shall include a 30-foot Type A Land <br />Use Buffer along Frazier Road, New Salou Drive, and High Ridge Drive. <br />OR <br />A letter of credit or escrow agreement or other security shall be submitted to <br />secure the required landscape installation and preservation. An estimate of the <br />
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