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Staff will be available to review and respond to questions the Commissioners may <br />have about information contained in the following list of attachments. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact directly associated with this <br />discussion. However, decisions that the BOCC and SAPFO partners will make <br />regarding possible implementation of the MOU and Ordinance will have a profound <br />impact on the need for and timing of future school construction in both Orange County <br />School Districts. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Board approve the <br />proposed MOU and model Ordinance for the two School Districts pursuant to Option D <br />above, and direct staff to bring back the Ordinance for adoption no later than February <br />4, 2003. Inherent in this recommendation for approval is acceptance of the <br />determined variables noted in the Decision Matrix such as Level of Service, <br />Membership Date, Building Capacity, Capital Investment Plan, Student Growth Rates, <br />Projections, Methodology and Generation Rates. <br />