Orange County NC Website
3 <br />FOOD ESTABLISHMENT PLAN REVIEW <br />FEE SCHEDULE AND POLICY <br />ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT <br />ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION <br />Effective Date: <br />GENERAL: <br />• Effective September 30, 2002, local health departments are enabled by the North Carolina <br />General Assembly to charge a fee for plan review of food service establishments as required <br />by T15A: 18A .2600 - "Rules Governing the Sanitation of Restaurants And Other <br />Foodhandling Establishments." <br />• This ability to charge fees does not extend to those facilities whose plans are reviewed and <br />approved by the State of North Carolina as prototypical franchises or chain facilities. <br />• The maximum fee for a plan review is two hundred dollars ($200.00) <br />FEES: <br />• The fee for any plan review shall be submitted in full with the plan. <br />• Staff are not able to take fees in the field. <br />• Graduated fees for facilities will be determined by the following scale: <br />Seventy-five dollars ($75.00) for facilities with a total facility area of 1,500 square feet <br />or less. <br />One hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) for facilities with a total facility area of <br />greater than 1,500 square feet, but less than or equal to 5,000 square feet. <br />Two hundred dollars ($200.00) for facilities with a total facility area of greater than <br />5,000 square feet. <br />The total facility area shall include all indoor finished area of the facility and the area <br />proposed for any outdoor dining. <br />REFiJNDS: <br />• There will be no partial refund of any fee. <br />• Once the plan review has been initiated by staff, no refund will be made for fees. <br />• There will be no refund of a fee if the plan is rejected, incomplete or otherwise not approved <br />by the staff. <br />• Plans maybe altered, amended or revised without being charged additional fees if the <br />square footage of the facility is not increased above the applicable threshold described in the <br />FEES section above as a result of the changes. In no case will the total fees charged exceed <br />two hundred dollars ($200.00). <br />APPLICABILITY: <br />• Fees maybe assessed to restaurants, food stands, meat markets or other similar facilities that <br />are permitted and inspected by the Orange County Health Department. <br />• Fees will not be assessed to school lunchrooms or catered elderly nutrition sites. <br />• Plans may be required by staff for the following situations: <br />1. New establishments. <br />2. Additions, kitchen modifications, changes in floor plans, increases in seating, equipment <br />changes, or other actions that significantly impact the operation of the facility. <br />3. Change of ownership of the facility requiring a new or transitional permit. <br />