Agenda - 11-19-2002-6c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-19-2002
Agenda - 11-19-2002-6c
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9/1/2008 11:53:05 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 11:13:18 AM
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Minutes - 20021119
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q <br />Is the land ad'acent to new or existin schools? Yes, the site is near Carrboro Elements School. <br />Is the land for potential active recreation suitable and appropriate for the planned uses (i.e., avoids wetlands and <br />environmentally-sensitive lands)? N/A. No active recreation proposed. The site would not be suitable for active <br />recreation due to stream corridor and natural area. <br />Will the acquisition further purposes of Upper Eno and New Hope Corridor preservation efforts (if applicable)? N/A - <br />but the acquisition will further efforts to add to the Bolin Creek corridor (which is part of Jordan Lake <br />watershed . <br />Is access (transportation) to the proposed site safe and easily-accomplished? Potentially yes. Access could be <br />accomplished through adjacent Wilson Park, eliminating illegal parking along Estes Drive Extension, which <br />now occurs. <br />Conclusion <br />As shown above, the proposal meets most of the criteria for joint parks and open <br />space projects, but does not meet all. For example, the primary criterion calling <br />fora 50% match by the requesting local government is not met. However, other <br />important criteria, such as the protection of identified Natural Heritage sites, are <br />met. <br />As a land acquisition project, this project is not applicable to the IP Work Group's <br />recently-recommended policy ("Planning Process for Joint County/Town Open <br />Space Projects"), although some provisions of that document may be prudent to <br />apply, such as the appointment of a County/Town Project Planning Group (PPG) <br />to oversee the acquisition activities. Additionally, once a policy governing joint <br />facilities projects is adopted, that policy would govern eventual greenway <br />extension along this corridor (and through this property), if pursued as a joint <br />County/Town project. <br />The Town's request in May of this year was for $500,000, with amore-recent <br />refinement asking that the Town's full portion of the 2001 bond funds for <br />greenways ($750,000) be used to this end. <br />The acquisition of this tract would further the expansion of the Bolin Creek <br />Greenway, by providing land along the Master Plan route that could be <br />incorporated into the greenway. Clarification is needed that the greenway could <br />be placed on this side of Bolin Creek, as the existing Town plans show the <br />proposed greenway on the opposite side of the creek. However, this is merely a <br />line on a map and there is no design for the greenway at this time. <br />While construction of the remainder of the greenway to the Adams Tract may be <br />some years in the offing, greenway segments are often acquired in piecemeal <br />fashion as part of a master plan. Acquisition of the Adams Tract would enhance <br />that goal, by acquiring land for the eventual extension of Bolin Creek Greenway, <br />which would also eventually tie to trails proposed on the Chapel Hill Township <br />Environment and Resource Conservation <br />PO Box 8181 / 306-A Revere Road <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />(919) 245-2590 <br />
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