Orange County NC Website
I~ <br />Park and Educational Campus property (all of which are part of the Town's <br />Master Parks and Recreation Plan). <br />A total of $400,000 is available in the current fiscal year for greenways projects <br />(as part of the first bond sale). This is a part of the $1.75 million in the bond for <br />Chapel Hill and Carrboro greenways, to link to County open space network. That <br />amount was originally identified as $1.0 million for Chapel Hill greenways <br />projects, and $750,000 for Carrboro projects -with the understanding that <br />projects that worked to tie together County and Town open space network would <br />be given higher priority. <br />As the project meets most of the adopted criteria and is consistent with Lands <br />legacy goals, two possible approaches to address the Town's request might be: <br />a. Agree to appropriate the $400,000 for greenways in the current fiscal year <br />(2001 bond funds) as the County's portion of the project match, with any <br />remaining amount (up to the $750,000 maximum) to be appropriated in <br />future years as deemed feasible -with the understanding that the Town <br />will match any remaining amount of purchase price and associated costs <br />not funded by the grant, and/or <br />b. If the funding sources (County bond funds, Clean Water Management <br />.grant, other grants) end up meeting the total acquisition cost, ask the <br />Town to reimburse the County for 50% of the County's match over the <br />next five fiscal years -consistent with the adopted joint parks criteria. <br />I hope this brief evaluation is useful in considering the. Town's request. Please <br />feel free to contact me if you have any questions. <br />Environment and Resource Conservation <br />PO Box 8181 / 306-A Revere Road <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />(919) 245-2590 <br />