Orange County NC Website
h. Patlicipatbn of Constluclion Manager supplied by the COUnry of Orange <br />Once a Erul schebtde is catabGehed; a Gst oftenm members and Ineir respective tesunes <br />represenrivg the venous disciplines to be oovcred shell be enbtsdned Por vppmvul. <br />Prior to wtmnenoing a emdg Omuge Coovry will Porward trio fnllvwivg information to tlse <br />teen: <br />a. One se4 ofnalfaac deawwge for oaohteaur mevsbeq vvd hvo fill-size set for the Isom; <br />F. One sit cf apa'incaliona for cacti temn memher, <br />c. Derailed coet ertimme (vn cvPY)witM1 oncwst suvwary Por each team member; <br />d. nedgn ewcwadot~ lmerf,afiraf, eleoniea4 roc) (one rep; aw <br />c. Botiug Lags end Scil Reports (two seta). <br />S <br />The CAT shell meet and work in nn environment away Ram thevvormal workplace in ordu <br />ro awid hrtecrvlslious. Tnc netting room will be provided by OranKe Cnunty. The follow room <br />regoir entcare reyuestal <br />lighnug and vwtilatiov suitable far Prolonged reeding writing, and nmdying <br />- large l'eble with oushionul chairs fart oath tcaty mamba <br />- telepM1Onein Ma meeting mom <br />- provta,ona tarTNr and pnoroeoprng eer~mes nn the prem~cea <br />A CRT report wdl na prepared Joeumenting the pmwsa and all mcotvmwdatimla dcvclopod <br />bytheORT. In eddinoq one set ofylvns and spacibaations ll be'Ted-lined"wits any yualily <br />review comments unpmvements noted by the CRT, and saMnittod as pmt o[ow ddivnebles. <br />NI reports will ba vssembled in m orderly fashion wd will besM1art and concise, yet <br />informative enough for decision making. Repots shall be prepared and submi¢ed on A`/"x I I" <br />bond Faper antl bond wtler weer appropnataly idanti-ed. 5ketchas maybe 8`h" x 11"or told- <br />ovt. Pages shall be sequsnlally nuvtbaed in thelowernayt M1and comer. In odditioq we could tie <br />vaitable for w opdoml port study implemevtanovneetwg wdthdre design NF and M< <br />l;owty/Chapel Hill to discvw which ideas slmuld be i~npletnwted mro We project design. <br />