Orange County NC Website
<br />3COP60['WORK <br />ORANGE COUNTY, NC <br />CONSTRUCTABILITY REVIEWNALUE REVIEW <br />A Ccnstmdability Review (GR)Nalue Review (VRj will be cpntluMetl by Pecifc <br />Environmental Services (PES) on the Flnal tlesign antl shall consist of one team study by a <br />multi-disciplined[eam of professionals meeting on consecutive work days. Thetaem <br />(hereinafter referretl is as the CRT) will contluct a constmctebility review, concentrating on <br />the apProPriateness of [he design tlocumenffi, basetl on the proposed materials, project <br />location, antl curtent sYantlertl consimction practices, as well as an abbreviated value <br />review where alternatives will be presented for considaretion by the design team that <br />enhance overall vaWe cn a life cycle basis (LCC). <br />The CRT will provitle specipc recommendations for changes to contract tlocuments <br />to Improve wnsW c+ability, retluce cost wRhou! deteriorating quality or functicn and meet <br />or exceed special scheduling requiremenffi. The CRT shall accomplish the following. <br />When observed, the team will: <br />a. identify coMlic[s and ambiguities between drawings, plans, and specihcations; <br />b. itlentify retlundant or exceasivetechnical or atlministrative requirements; <br />c. itlentiy specifications or details that require further clarrficatbn; <br />d. suggest substitution Of simplibetl wnstmaion tleteils, more common <br />construction materials cr products; <br />e. propose value suggestions substituting equipment, materials, or tlesign <br />modifications for consideration by [he tlesign team; antl <br />f. identify special concerns and potential problem areas. <br />The services shall be performed by an indepentlen[team of professionals, separate <br />and completely intlependen[from the original tlesign team. The GRT Shall be compotey <br />of persons having professional engineeringlarohitectural registration, antl all shell have a <br />minimum of 5 years post registmticn experience in tlesign, constmction atlministration, or <br />estimating. The typical team makeup will include'. <br />a. Team LeaderlCVS-Professional Engineer <br />b. Architect <br />c. Struduml Engineer <br />tl. Mechanical Engineer <br />e. Electrical Engineer <br />f. Construction Estimator <br />g. Construction AtlministratoliCOnirector <br />