Orange County NC Website
process floe-ranee the specifications, [hereby avoitling wnflicts with contractors when <br />consimc[ion begins. This In [urn prevents many change ortlers tluring the project. As you <br />are well aware, change ortlere are usually costly antl can atltl significant time tp a project. <br />The wnstmc[ibility review woultl therefore minimize the entity's exposure to law suits antl <br />claims for atltliticnal money after [he project is comple[etl. <br />The cast gm[etl died by PES fortMS work is $39,295 per schocl. Although the cost is signigcant <br />PE3 Intlicates Thal each project will easily surpass the fee In the amount save0 on the project antl <br />it will provitle a goob benchmark for us to more fully understand the benefits ci the value <br />engineering prccess. A wmplete repcd tletailing 0a substance W Ne eaNngs will be provltletl by <br />PEB al the antl of Uia review process. <br />We believe that there are other firms who we may want to wnsitler In terms of the long term value <br />engineering pmgrzm established for County antl smool Drojects. Because of Ne ambitious <br />schatlula in which Ne selection Docess was cartied cut, it is possible that there are ether value- <br />engineering frtnswho might respond to our request rfihe timefreme were to be eMentled. It seems <br />prudent Merefore that a secontl assessment Danel be convened In late summerearly fall to <br />consider the resuns of a secontl sollcitalion. <br />Assuming that the Bpam approves this Dlan to acquire value¢ngineering services, it is fudher <br />rewmmentletl Ihat Me Manager communicate to the SuDerintentlend the Boards tlesire to see <br />value engineering lnmrywatetl into the earliest stages of tlevelopment for any school. TNS woultl <br />ba particularly Imppdanl as it respects the tlesign development of the new high school for the <br />Orange County system. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT' II is recammendetl that funds b cover costs for this work be eppropris[etl <br />from $chool Capital Pmjed Fund Balance. Potential project savings will offset the cost of Mls <br />appropriation. <br />RECOMMENOATIDN(St: TM1e Manager recommends that the BOaN autlror've County staff to <br />complete negotiedona on an agreement wiN Pacific Environmental Services 1p contluct <br />mnstrudibllity reviews for two scMOls. whose rotal cost shall not exreetl $]8,59D; auMpdze the <br />Manager to sign the resulting agree ant; to entlorse a sewntl phase of the selection prccess for a <br />engineering firm; and m tlired the Manager to communicate to the School SupeMtentlents, <br />iheuBOard's lntendons fcrvalue engineering on future school protects. <br />