Agenda - 11-11-2002-5
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-11-2002
Agenda - 11-11-2002-5
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9/2/2008 12:42:58 AM
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8/29/2008 11:13:07 AM
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3 <br />Potential tasks of a wnsYmction manager (GM): <br />The construction manager (GM) woultl: <br />1. Be retained prior to the design mnsuliant being selected. <br />2. Participate in the selection of the design consulfanf team. <br />a. Coordinate with Purchasing Dlrec[orto negotiate design firm inntraa. <br />3. Contluc[all meetings amongthe stakeholders and the design firm during the <br />design formulation process. <br />4. Review drawings preparetl bythe designers and suggest mptlificationsl <br />alternatives that might be more economicallylfunctionay advantageous to tie <br />County. Design modifications would be bsaetl on a life cycle cos[ analysis to the <br />etlant practicable. <br />5. Prepareantl/or cooMinata wRh tlesigner to prepare information neetletl for <br />regulatory approvals. <br />s. Attend meetings as may be required in the regulatory approval process. <br />6. Review consWC[ion bitls antl wortlinates with Purchasing Director to prepare <br />ward materials for Board approval. <br />7. Prepare wnstruction contracts for contractors. <br />During constmdion Me GM will: <br />8. Provide intensive on-site daily observation for [he amount of time appropriate for <br />the stage of innstmction. Far example. the GM woultl need to be on site at all <br />times during periods when inncrete is being pouretl, stmctural steel is being set, <br />etc., but may not need [o be on ske a hours per tlay during a period where they <br />are painting walls or laying carpet. As a mle of thumb, they should be on ske <br />anytime the work being accomplishetl will not ix directly observable by the next <br />woBtley. <br />9. CM would observe methods and means of conatmdion antl inordinate wl[h the <br />tlesigner to wrest any deficiencies. Nate: Itwillbeimpprtanitoensureawell- <br />defined reporting protocol for these Instances to minimize wnFlict among [he <br />various parties. <br />10. CM represents the county at all wns[mc[ion ralatetl meetings between tlesigner <br />and wntractors. <br />11.GM maintains all project ralatetl recoMS; e.g. cast, schedule, etc. <br />12. Handles requests for change oMers. <br />13. Reviews and approves all shop drawings. <br />14. Provides "clerk of the works' function, Le. is the know all person on the project, <br />familiar wbh all aspects. <br />15.Provides monthly repads to the County, identifying ell rsRical project <br />components antl Neir status (e.g. wsVSChetlule, predicting "bumps in the road", <br />etc). <br />
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