Agenda - 11-11-2002-3b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-11-2002
Agenda - 11-11-2002-3b
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3 <br />Planning and Funding School Capital Projects" as a model tp prescribe how and when <br />funding would be provided. Thetlra%also proposes changes to the degree of Gpunty <br />involvement and participation in the different components of project approval. All proposed <br />changes to the Town proposal are shown in held in the attached draft (Atachment 4). <br />Fallowing consideration of the Conceptual Plan by the BoaN cf Commissioners, and the <br />resolution of the process, the Town plans [c develop a Spacial Use Permit application far the <br />pads. This process is anticipated fc take approximately one year tp complete, and will <br />include atltlitional public wmment (as well as Iwo opportunities for the County to provide <br />commenp, resulOng in eventual approval by [he Town Ccuncil. Following the Special Use <br />Permit, construction plans for the park would be prepared and, after County and Town <br />approval of [he project budget and provision of tuntls, park construction would begin. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The provisional cest estimate for the park, as calculated in the <br />Conceptual Plan, la $3.75 million. Revisions based on changes made by the Town Council <br />have not been incorporatetl'mto this estimate. A total of $2,]95,000 would be available from <br />the combinatlon of 199] and 2001 County bond tuntls for tMS project. To date, $205,000 <br />from the 199] bond amount has already been appropriated ($105,000 towaNS the <br />mnetmction of the soccer field et edloininq Scroggs Elementary, and $101;000 for the <br />concept plan and associated costs). There are np Town funds identflled for this project. <br />The $2 million in 2001 bond funds are scheduled in [he Bond and Alternative Financing <br />schedule that the BpaN approved in Oc[pber. The planned issues provide for two equal $1.0 <br />million inslellmenYS for Sputhem Park, In FV 2004-05 and 2005-Og. This schedule is <br />consistent with the requested timing from the Town, submitted in the spring of 2002. The <br />Town has not yet addressed funding the $1 million in additional tuntls itlenti%etl in the <br />Conceptual Plan estimated budget. Mere re%ned ws[ estimates will be developed as the <br />park constmction drawings are prepared. AB such, plans for phasing of the park construction <br />may be necessary. <br />As noted above, %nancisl issues in the Town's July 24" proposed Sputhem Park process <br />have been addressed in the draft sta%response as i[ regaNS an inter-local agreement and <br />the timing of bond funds. <br />REGOMMENOATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board address the items <br />related to Southern Park as follows: <br />1) Discuss rile Town's response [o issues raised ragaNing the Conceptual Plan <br />(Attachments 1 and 2J, and determine whether any atltlitional questions or requests for <br />additional infcrmatlon exisS <br />2) Schedule the Conceptual Plan as a decision Hem far approval on November 19" or <br />Depambar 2^^: <br />3) Discuss staffs draft response on the Southern PaB Process (Attachment 4), and provide <br />feedback tp Commissioners Jawbs and Brown regaNing the official response to the <br />Town representatives. <br />
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