Orange County NC Website
• ConceptlPmPlmwivg Yhese:'llils includes prolimi[ury programming and design <br />wank Was would remit in wnwpmel amwmgs andproliminary cast eetimatu <br />(rlv6 funding has ahendy been prondW by the County a,d meat of the wad, in <br />Nis phaze wmylUed). <br />• Planning/Final Design Phase This would imolva slwticn of and svo[k by the <br />pjecrdesigaerlamhiteU, activhiw minieil le SUP aubmisslanhevewmpproval, <br />cud final dccisiom mlmesl m siting ana inbastrvemre issue; M the extenHhoee <br />n applicahlebthe Sonthem Perkp jeU. <br />Qmstruction APpmvm Phase'. Pursnevt to sma,iun of iFe sucrz¢llll projeU <br />• bidd¢, this phascweuld include Cunding frEnnstmm~av afnanatloml <br />arcres/uuila/atmctuas, pmcFase of egoipmcup wvth,gmcg etc. <br />• piwl ACmw[ing PM1asE'.Clpnn winpldion o[NCprojwL, County and Town staff <br />will reconcile aUUalp jest expenNtucs with the app[oved Fudge, endprovid< <br />batlr yroveming boards wiW a fnW awounting of,Feproject. <br />In keeping withtlds approeUa we elso pmpeecin our a6ached rosponse to ehiftiM <br />language regaining liming oCNnding cbranologically to,hepoivQfi) m Rrcpmcas6 whale <br />fwding wamdbe upP[avad. <br />3. Oeeiviov-Mnking <br />Weug[ea wi,M1 tfie formatlma of a I'eojeet 1'larmittg CarvmiLLen (o[,he Southern Park <br />p[ iecl Thia is eansismv, wiin me nnnnept nftTe "Palk Pe feet OtonP°(or rr(7i . ss <br />pmpoeca u, the Nw[govammwim Parks Work G[ovp'a reoommadatioa forjcinv <br />Cewry,Tmvn parks Pmlecte. <br />How we believe Nal Me PrOjeU PNmdvg Cquunittec ehomd contain an equal <br />umb ofCounty Commi66iovars nnd'1'own Cowtcilmu[,bers,mreflecnhe twin <br />neid¢atlona that p the project is a sewn pak wa the development appmvel oftl~e <br />projml is n Ihe'COwn's plemingjndsmaioq Utd 2) the Nndu,g for park construction is <br />by Counry Hands, which vecas6orily obligates tho County w ensure that the oac of Cvvdfi <br />,e eovs,erm[ with CowtTy 1mv¢ial emndards and practicee. <br />GAnellg wlRle we agee vnM [hc formation of We Projec[ Plamdug Committee to Asouss <br />svd reach co,reensus on isemu [ngaming the Park, we v'cnvcmnfortabla withpmvision <br />$<)ihat woNd allow lFe Town Council to maim doe wF¢ sue does vat <br />sis~wean not feel WS nmlaterald¢ -makigy shame extma to fiumual <br />appropn¢lim,q which [amain 8 (bvuty responsibility forthe maeovs 6[fltcd above. As' <br />each, rCVi6iovs m'e pfoposed w iisn qR ucmNingly. <br />a. om¢crn¢s]conameraanna <br />m seaman m ma aboyE, we wEwa uvv me rnnowNSpoims winch are rerea~wd m me <br />d[aR: <br />> Trie anrhope tltetml dmisions by the PPC can be reached by wnsusus, and chat <br />every afforl wiR be made m obtain eonscu6u6 prior to avY m,ilnsaral actionbY the <br />Town at vromam h, hems z. s ar,a s <br />