Orange County NC Website
6. Special Use Permit <br />a. Designer works with P & R stetfand value enginenm complete Special Use Permit <br />(SUP) epplicatloq inaludiag design dmwivgs. <br />b. Project Plamdne Committee rcvicws drawings during process wd approves dmwine <br />[Ira[ are part nfthe SOP application <br /><. Application undergoes regWOrSUP review process by advisory boards and Toxin <br />Council, as well as by Board of orange County Commissioners <br />• At least 6o days nndce is given m Board of Cowry commissioners before review <br />period for application <br />d. At Public Haring Cowin receives sniff reaammevdedon iv its role az awvo- and in <br />its role as Regulamc, and reconunevdatievs from Hoard of County Commissionns <br />wd all advisory boards end commissions - <br />e. Boanl of County Commissionm meem at its next tncetiag after the SUP Public <br />hearing dart m prepare hs fiaal comments m Town Cowcil baforc Counul'a final <br />dcc <br />L Town Cowcil, in its role as Regulatnq issues SUP <br />-l. Hitltling <br />Designer completes working drawingsaM bid documents <br />b. "lawns[elYwd contract cvginem review dawlngi end specs before fimlized for <br />bitlding including code mviews by Inspectiore and Fve Depenments <br />Staff advertises S r bids, holds pre-bid co~d'erence, opens bids <br />d. Staff, wiW assistance of designer and value enginen, analyres bids, checks <br />references end makes recommrndation m Project Platvdng Commttte. on bids and <br />Project bodge[ <br />e. Project Plamdnx COmmltt<c makes its recommendation to Town MwnSeq Hoard of <br />Commissipnns and Town Council nn bid and projnt budget. Recommendatium <br />migbt include: <br />-which orsevnal ¢Immntes to swept <br />-which pen(s) of dle bue pmjecna Belem m come within budget <br />-how m phase the project to accommodate budget and other constraints <br />8. Rudgea zod Bltl Awam <br />a Town Cowcil considers recommmda[ioas ofProjec[ Pfawing Commiuee and <br />Town Men¢Ser, makes its de<isiore and regnes[s [he County Commissioners' <br />uaence in Wasednisiovs az quickly az possible, so that the bids can be awarded <br />within 60 days o£Me bid opening. <br />b. Town Cowcil's budget may include funding for public art, whose expenditures <br />would be overseen by the Pobhe Arts Commission according m the Pesent far M <br />Fragrarn <br />e Board of County Commissioners cansidnarcwmnmvdations of Project Plamung <br />Committee and Town Cowcil <br />d. County Commissioners may: <br />