Orange County NC Website
JWY 24, 2002 <br />PROPOSED PROCCSS FOR SOUTHERN COMMUNITY PARK <br />1. Agreement vn'Fiming vrFavding <br />Board of Cawty Commissioners adopts a muhi-year capital prnjwt ordinmce <br />authorizing the fWI amount of Cvun~y bond fording. II also authorizes w imerlocal <br />agmement than commits m making Ne proceeds of the bonds available for this project on <br />a given schedule. <br />2. Project Planning Committee appointed by reapertine yoveming bodies at least ova <br />Cowty Cammivioner and ave Town Cowcil Member, each Manger ar his designees <br />a Cbvge is to lrecp informed abomthe progress oftbe project and to offer input ins <br />timely fashion <br />b. Objactiva is m aieouss wd reooh ponscvsus ov WI issma hc[ora it in a dmely <br />. ILcvosensus is not readily availablq the Town of Chapel Hill may make the <br />decision to avoid delvy in pro]eU <br />d. The Cbapel Hill Town COwcil is governing body in whoujuriadic[ion the <br />facility lice soil which will be rcspunsible for opecs[ivrm wd maint<wvice for ibe <br />lifa ofiMpmjec[ <br />~. Conceptual Plav <br />Pcojcct Plowing Cammihee follows the Repox of the Suwhem Commvnlry Pork <br />Conceptwl Plw, as adopted by the Board ofCowry Commissioners end the Toxv <br />Council, av a guide to the cxpcetaiions oRhe gvveming bodies and Ne wmmwiry. <br />4. Covahudian Design <br />Project Flooring Committee decides whedrer ro cominue wiN designer of ConcepnW <br />Plan or m eclat[ a now desigper. tf a new designer is desired, <br />S[affadvecdses for proposals and reviews ell submitale <br />b- Project Plamring Committee and lawn staB'review some or all submittals aM <br />recommend small number m interview <br />3taffwd Pryect Committee interview deslgnar ewdidares wd make <br />evdation to ]'own Manger <br />d. Town Mmaget negotia¢s aconuact with mchitect es recommrnded bythc <br />Project Pluming Commiuee <br />e. If Town Mwger evnnot negotiate w acecpiable cvntmet with Abe fin choice, he <br />goes on to the second choice. <br />5. Valve Engineering <br />Project PLmtdng Commihee decides wbether m azcept the valve engineewg smites of <br />thef wdcr conham with the Town.Ifnot, Projecr Plowing Committee selects <br />wolhar firm, following the type ofpmcnee oullineJ above for designer <br />