Agenda - 11-11-2002-3b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-11-2002
Agenda - 11-11-2002-3b
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Adoption of budget and awed of bid 'town Council <br />Ocher decisions will be Me by TOWrt sniff, working wilF the Projet Plarming <br />Comminee. <br />Ooootmvities for Review: Pointa of review and opportunities for advice by the full Board <br />of Cotwdasionem will occur during the Special Use Permit (SUP)proceas. First the <br />Board will receive notice of the process and schetlWe for Ne SOP ea soon as it is <br />established. Whenthe staRreview is completed, the application goes to the Town's <br />advisory boards, and the BoaN of Cowry Commissioners will also be included. The <br />Board would receive at least 60 tlvys noice ofthis opponwilg sn there woWd be time m <br />schedule the Board mview in 4me to have its recommendations ready for the BLIP Public <br />bearing..4Ra the public hearing ao which vll the Board's recorrwmdarions, advisory <br />board recommendations and citi>en input will be heard, the Board will once again be <br />offered w opparloNty for reconunendetion to the Tnwn Cow<il before We Cawd azts <br />on the SLP applloation. "1'he Cowell normally acre 3 woks after apubllc hearing, which <br />c wonld hope would include time for a Board meeting- If woNerweek would <br />mmodaze the meeting schcdwe oftM1e board, the Cowtll mould delay its decision on <br />the BLIP motif its ncz[ meeting. <br />Value hn¢ n e: We v2 ewnm of the Board's inmrest in value engineering, and that is <br />shamd by the Town Cooncil.Owpmposed process includes the use of value engineering <br />during the process the[ moves fwm the coneepmW plan stage to construction drawings, <br />mod analysis of the bids and carrswetion. The convect engineer woWd also be <br />vailable for advice should inut be appropriate whm considering potential change oNers. <br />We undetsmnd that the Cowty's Open Space Design Specialist may also be able to acl in <br />these areas. <br />Pro act Plawn C M b :You bevy suggested flat Ne Project Plarming <br />Committee include thoec ofus who have worked mge[her to develop this process. We <br />believe that ie a good idea, and will mbmh the tlvee Councl Member names b the &ll <br />Toxin Cowcil. <br />Timing: At your request, we have removed Ne spuitics ofall but one time period. We <br />do this with the understwding that the Hoard of Orwge Cowry Commissioners will <br />raider the COnaptuW Plwfor the BOUthem COmmwity Yark in September. Wealso <br />wderstwd that it is your intent to have in November a mutually acceptable unecptuW <br />plan and an executed interlocal agreement that specifies the schedule of bond fwd <br />availability. <br />We tlitl feel the need to leave in one specific time period: the eight days during "BUtlget <br />and Hid Awvrd" for setting a discussion betwem the Board and the Council about the <br />budge. W e do aq because we believe that it is important to bo nbla ro award a monad <br />within fi0 days ofthe bid operdng. Requesting bids good for 60 days is fairly standard <br />wad allows time for review and analysis of the bids, checking ofrefaences end some <br />negoriution. We believe that requesting 90 days would in reuse the biddms'risk and, <br />
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