Orange County NC Website
A+ta~hm~r <br />MEMORANDLM - <br />TO'. CMir Barry Jacobs <br />Commissioner Mug¢ret Brown <br />FROM: Mayor Kevm Foy <br />Cowcil Member Flicker Batemw <br />Council Member Dill Svvm <br />SUBJECT: Proposed Praeess Cur Developing SOUthem COmmwity Park <br />DATE'. JuIY 24, 2002 <br />R'c offn NC attached drak with Nc hope that it mats the nods ofNe Cawty and of <br />Chapel lull. <br />General vs Soccifc Ymcess: Although we Wl began our discussions wiNtheintent of <br />creating a template that could be usW Coc all Nejointparkprojw6thot wlll Include <br />Ormge Cowty bond fimding, wz concluded Nat it woultl be mom practical to begin wiN <br />a process specifcto the Southern Cpnwwity Park. UWike most vftM proposed <br />projects, this park aheady has a site in public ownership wd a completed conceptual play <br />developetl by a commirtee composed of neighbors of the rile, Chapel Hilt, Cmboro and <br />County elected off~<ials, and othtt residents. The Town Council has approved this plan. <br />TNs process may be useful for the agmtlc center too, which also Ms a wvicepmal plan <br />approved byihe Tnwn Council, but we believe we shoWd wait N see haw it wocks out <br />far this fast project. <br />Decision-makine: We Mve triedmwusider the wncems you voieeA in gemral, as well <br />esywr more specife comments. Akey element would be the Project Palming <br />Commlttcc, tv be wmpased of etleastone County Commissonn, one TOxm cawuil <br />Member and Ne twv Managers or Neh designees, who would work an the Sotvhem <br />Community Park Imm Ne conceptual play stage tivpuglroompldim. The key d¢ision <br />paint world be the aeaptonce by boN Ne BoaN of County Conwissiooan and the <br />Town Cvwcil of the covicepmW plan. All other decisions, be they tecMical ones or more <br />sigdficmt design issues, would be based nn Ne mnceptml plm. The full Board would <br />also maketbe key decisive v[ soheduling Ne funding for the projem.. The decision to <br />¢wmd a convan would be made by the Town Cvwcil, with advice of Ne Project <br />Plamwg Committee and of Nc Board. <br />To summatlu, the following are the decision points for the governing boards: <br />Adoprion of wvccptuel plm BOCC and "lawn Council <br />Commitment onf racing schedWc BOCC <br />Approval of Special llse Permit Town Cowcil <br />