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3 <br />30,OOq with as-yet unknown atltlitionel maintenance costa. If a rustic toilet facility were to be <br />adtletl, this would Increase the project cost by approximately $20-25,000. <br />The Held construction would be funded from a combination of Park Facilities funtls in the <br />Capital Investment Plan. the Soccer SupedunQ antl (potentially) wniribufions from the <br />Omnge County Soccer Alliance (OCSA). The actual amounts from each funtllnq source (and <br />[he degree of OCSA participa[ion)woultl be atltlressetl at the next step, when the <br />constmctian bitl awaN is approved by the Boartl. <br />As no[etl above. tliscussions have been heltl with the soccer organizations represented by <br />OCSA (Rainbow Socceq Sunbow Soccer, Triangle Futbcl, Chapel Hill United, Liga Hiepana, <br />antl Durham-Chapel Hill SMkersj regaking their financial participation In the Feld <br />wnsirudion antl maintenance, and it Is proposed that discussions wntinue. Maintenance of <br />the site woultl be hantlled by the Gounry Recreation antl Parks tlepartment, wlih OCSA <br />potentially providing some degree of annual maintenance cast share after the feld is up and <br />running. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommantls that the BOertl review and approve <br />the site design, authorizing stall to submit the sde plan for approval antl begin the process of <br />soliciting bids for cons[mc[ion, with a goal of beginning fieltl construction in January antl <br />opening the field in late-fall 2003 (at eatliesi, weather permitting). <br />A conatmdion bitl award would be presented for BoaN approval, tentatively in December. <br />Stafr will also continue to tliscuss potential OGSA roles, with a report to be presented <br />concurrent with the bid awartl in December. <br />