Orange County NC Website
DYMPT1114 102 <br /> Lands ' 1 . Program <br /> Annual a • 2002-2003 <br /> For the periodJu/y f, 2002—June 30, 2003 <br /> Introduction <br /> The Lands Legacy program, adopted by Orange County In April 2000, is Initiated each year <br /> by the creation of an Annual Action Plan. The Annual Action Plan guides Lands Legacy <br /> acqulShaba and land protection activides for the specified Fiscal year, <br /> The process begins in August of each year, with staff identifying potential projects and <br /> asking for initial guidance. Staff then meets with advisory boards far their input on <br /> development of priorities for the coming year. Using the advisory board recommendations, a <br /> draft Plan is prepared for distribution In the Board of Commissioners at their annual goal- <br /> setting former. The Annual Acton Plan is then finalized concurrent with the CUP process <br /> each spring. (Note: for Mls fiscal year, the Annual Action Man was Nonni busy dedslons <br /> about the CIP aMborMsal varm made, sine Mere eractly/apart the Action Plan). <br /> The past several months have seen a number of projects come to fruition, headed by the <br /> receipt of a $789,155 grant from the USDA Farmland Protection Program in September. The <br /> following is a draft Annual Anion Plan for our current fiscal year 2002-2003 (please see note <br /> above). The plan incorporates comments from advisory boards last year, coupled with the <br /> continuation and completion of goals and objectives from the current anion plan. The draft <br /> Plan contains goals, a summary of advisory board comments, specific accon objectives, and <br /> a county list of land acquisition and protection projects for the coming year. Also attached is <br /> a list of accomplishments from the first half of the current fiscal year (2001-2002) and a <br /> Performance Report for the Foot year of the Lands Legacy program (2000-01). <br /> s 11 11 <br /> (Note: Plans to continue W pursue grant funding for County project;are implicit) <br /> 1. Upper Eno and Upper New Hope Riparian Buffers: Protest riparian buffers in the <br /> Upper Eno River watershed critical area (including additions m Seven Mile Creek <br /> Preserve) and the Upper New Hope Creek watershed. <br /> 2. Fauoutte Mill Historic Al Acquire conservation easements to protect properties <br /> with historic structures and archaeological rtes In the Fauce res Mill area <br /> 3. Farmland Conservation Easements:Work with willing sellers (and partner entities, <br /> if feasible) to acquire farmland conservation easements In priority watersheds, in <br /> conjunction with federal Farmland Protection Program and NC Farmland Preservation <br /> Trust Fund. <br /> 4. New Park Sites: Purchase additional parklands for establishing future parks at the <br /> Me remaining sites identified in the 1988 Master Recreation and Parks Plan (White <br /> Cross and Walnut Grave areas). <br /> 5. Town Greenways: Partner with the towns and other entices In acquiring land for <br /> establishing or expanding greenways identified in town plans. <br />