Agenda - 11-06-2002 - 5e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-06-2002
Agenda - 11-06-2002 - 5e
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Last modified
8/7/2017 2:42:24 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 11:12:47 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20021106
(Linked To)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2002
RES-2002-080 Resolution approving Orange County's Participating in the North Carolina Local Government Debt Setoff Program
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2002
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8 <br /> files must be received on or before Friday at 5:00 p.m. in order to be included in the <br /> following week's submissions by CLEARINGHOUSE to DEPARTMENT. <br /> G. CLAIMANT AGENCY shall, after a debt file has been submitted to <br /> CLEARINGHOUSE, advise CLEARINGHOUSE of any debtor repayment or <br /> protests and instructions to delete or reduce a delinquent debt by submitting a new <br /> debt file by close of business on the day the repayment or protest and instructions to <br /> delete or reduce a delinquent debt is received. <br /> III. REPRESENTATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS OF CLEARINGHOUSE <br /> A. CLEARINGHOUSE shall, upon receipt of CLAIMANT AGENCY'S debt file, <br /> compile the information and submit the data to the DEPARTMENT on Monday of <br /> each week. <br /> B. CLEARINGHOUSE shall remit to the CLAIMANT AGENCY funds received from <br /> DEPARTMENT within a reasonable time from the date of receipt from <br /> DEPARTMENT. Thereafter, CLEARINGHOUSE shall provide the CLAIMANT <br /> AGENCY an accounting of funds collected which will include the name of the <br /> debtor, the debtor's social security number, and the amount of the debt setoff as <br /> shown on the attached "File Layout for Submission of Debts from CLAIMANT <br /> AGENCY to CLEARINGHOUSE." <br /> C. CLEARINGHOUSE will provide CLAIMANT AGENCY an entity version of the <br /> application software system, which will allow CLAIMANT AGENCY to do its own <br /> in-house data entry for transfer to CLEARINGHOUSE. CLEARINGHOUSE will <br /> provide free upgrades of the application software periodically, as needed. The entity <br /> version of the application system will provide both a comprehensive online help <br /> system and a written Installation/Set-up user's guide. A Pentium class computer with <br /> Windows 95 or above is required by CLAIMANT AGENCY using the application <br /> software system. <br /> D. CLEARINGHOUSE will provide a licensed copy of PKWARE'S PKZIP to <br /> CLAIMANT AGENCY. This software provides for compression and encryption for <br /> the security of the data to be sent to CLEARINGHOUSE. CLEARINGHOUSE will <br /> also compress and encrypt the data using PKZIP before returning the data to <br /> CLAIMANT AGENCY. <br /> E. CLEARINGHOUSE will provide a toll free telephone number for use by <br /> CLAIMANT AGENCY to receive technical support and provide information on the <br /> use of software applications and the processing of debts for submission to <br /> DEPARTMENT. Technical support and information shall be available from 8:00 <br /> a.m. until 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Voice mail <br /> and e-mail access shall also be provided as a part of the support/information response <br /> system. <br /> F. CLEARINGHOUSE will provide, at no cost to CLAIMANT AGENCY, technical <br /> support to CLAIMANT AGENCY, including site visits when advisable or <br /> appropriate. CLEARINGHOUSE will provide a first-level of support by telephone to <br /> Addendum A <br />
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