Agenda - 10-21-2002 - 5
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-21-2002
Agenda - 10-21-2002 - 5
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Last modified
8/7/2017 11:01:37 AM
Creation date
8/29/2008 11:12:26 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20021021
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2002
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g <br /> Attachment 2 <br /> Orange County <br /> Employee Drug-Free Workplace Policy <br /> Affirmation Form <br /> Policy <br /> Its employees are Orange County Government's most valuable resource and, therefore, their <br /> health and safety is a serious concern. Orange County will not tolerate substance abuse or use <br /> which imperils the health and well-being of its employee or threatens its service to the public. <br /> Furthermore, employees have a right to work in a drug and alcohol free environment and with <br /> persons free from the effect of drug or alcohol abuse. It is the policy of Orange County to <br /> maintain a workforce free of substance abuse. <br /> 1. Reporting to work or performing work for the county while impaired by or under the influence <br /> of any intoxicant, drug or chemical which interferes with the employee's work performance or <br /> which might adversely affect safety is prohibited. <br /> 2. The illegal use, possession, dispensation, distribution, manufacture or sale of controlled <br /> substances by employees at the worksite, during work hours or while the employee is on <br /> duty, on official county business or when on stand-by duty is prohibited. <br /> 3. Violation of such prohibitions by County employees is considered conduct detrimental to <br /> county service and will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Personnel <br /> Ordinance provisions related to unacceptable personal conduct. <br /> 4. Employees are required to notify the employing department head or designee within five. <br /> days of any criminal drug statute conviction where such conviction was due to an occurrence <br /> at the worksite, during work hours, or while on duty, official business, or stand-by duty. An <br /> employee who is convicted of violating any criminal drug statute in such workplace situations <br /> as stated above will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Personnel <br /> Ordinance provisions related to unacceptable personal conduct. <br /> 5. Departments that receive federal grants must, in turn, report any such criminal drug statute <br /> convictions as stated above of an employee in that department covered by federal grants to <br /> federal agencies from which grants are received within 10 days after receiving notice from <br /> the employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. <br /> 6. Employees will be given a copy of the Drug-Free Workplace Policy. Employees will be <br /> informed that they must abide by the terms of the policy as a condition of employment and <br /> of the consequences of any violation of such policy. <br /> Drug and Alcohol Testing <br /> 7. Orange County conducts drug and alcohol tests as provided in policy, including: <br /> • Random testing for employees whose position are covered by FTA regulations or who <br /> drive emergency response vehicles. <br />
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