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MEMORANDUM <br /> recommend showing better connections to Scroggs School, the southern park and ride lot, and to <br /> extend the paved trail to the southern tip of the park. <br /> Staff Comments: We believe that the conceptual plan currently does a good job of planning for <br /> bicycle and pedestrian access to most of the internal site. The plan also provides direct access from <br /> Southern Village by way of an extended Fan Branch Greenway Trail. However, we agree with the <br /> Committee that several changes to the plan would result in a better overall pedestrian and bicycle <br /> transportation program. These include: <br /> • Extend the paved Fan Branch Trail to the southern tip of the park site. <br /> • Provide improved pedestrian access (paved trail or sidewalk) on the north side of Dogwood <br /> Acres Drive from the western park boundary to the point where the paved Fan Branch Trail <br /> crosses Dogwood Acres Drive. <br /> • Show additional pedestrian connections to the southern park and ride lot and Scroggs <br /> School. <br /> 4. Use of the Southern Park and Ride Lot: The Transportation Board recommended that the plan <br /> should clarify the relationship of the possible use of existing park ride parking for recreational <br /> uses during evening and weekend periods and the possible use of the Southern Community Park <br /> parking for park ride uses during weekends. <br /> Staff Comments: Please refer to pages 6, 13, and 20 of the Report. The park and ride lot was built <br /> with federal funds primarily to serve the bus system. However, we believe that the counter cyclical <br /> nature of the parking needs for the park and commuters would strengthen the parking reserves of <br /> both facilities. Park users would be expected to spill over onto the park and ride lot on weekends <br /> and evenings. Commuters could use the park parking lot weekdays. We believe that the potential <br /> for conflict would occur primarily on the Saturdays of the six home football games and other <br /> weekend afternoons when the park and ride lot may be used by Tar Heel Express to transport people <br /> to UNC basketball games and other special events. <br /> S. Scroggs School Parking Lot: The Transportation Board recommended that the plan clarify the <br /> possible use of Scroggs School parking for recreational purposes. <br /> Staff Comments: The Town and the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools currently have an agreement <br /> that guarantees public use of the school parking lot, when not in use by the schools, until the year <br /> 2027. However, we do not believe that use of the school parking lot would be necessary for normal <br /> park operations. <br /> 6. Buffer along Highway 15-501: Members of the Community Design Commission and the <br /> Planning Board expressed a concern related to protection of the southern entranceway into Town <br /> and the width of the buffer along Highway 15-501. <br /> Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee Comments: The Committee voted to <br /> recommend that the 50 foot minimum buffer currently shown along Highway 15-501 be maintained <br /> and that it be supplemented with additional vegetation if needed. <br /> Staff Comments: We agree with the Committee that the 50 foot buffer currently shown on the <br /> conceptual plan be maintained and supplemented where needed. <br /> 7. Proximity of Parking to the Athletic Fields and Picnic Areas: A member of the Community <br /> Design Commission suggested that the athletic fields and picnic areas are located too far from <br /> �. --- ---------- <br />