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MEMORANDUM / <br /> They recommended that the rest of the trails south of Dogwood Acres Drive remain unpaved. tv <br /> Staff Comments: We believe that the paved trail should be extended to the southern tip of the <br /> property in order to serve the proposed dog park and provide bicycle and handicap access throughout <br /> the park., <br /> Costs of Extending the Fan Branch Trail <br /> • The extension of the trail would cost approximately$100,000 <br /> • Additional clearing would be required near Highway 15-501. <br /> Benefits of Extending the Fan Branch Trail <br /> • Handicap access would be extended throughout the park including the facilities located <br /> at the southern tip of the site. <br /> • The trail would provide better access to the proposed dog park for pedestrians and <br /> bicyclists. <br /> • The trail would be extended by 1,200 feet. The recreation value of a trail for running, <br /> walking, and nature study is generally increased as the length of the trail increases. <br /> • The paved trail would allow for direct pedestrian and non-motorized vehicle access from <br /> the residential areas south of the park to Dogwood Acres Drive, the main portion of the <br /> park, Scroggs School, Southern Village, and the proposed Morgan Creek Trail, <br /> 2. Provide Sidewalks on,Dogwood Acres Drive: The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board <br /> recommended that sidewalks be provided on both sides of Dogwood Acres Drive within the <br /> boundaries of the park. <br /> Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee Comments: The Southern Community Park <br /> Conceptual Plan Committee discussed this recommendation. However, the Committee <br /> recommended that a paved trail or improved recreation access be provided only on the north side of <br /> Dogwood Acres Drive, from the western property line to the point where the main greenway trail <br /> crosses Dogwood Acres Drive. <br /> Staff Comments: We agree that pedestrian access should be accommodated on Dogwood Acres <br /> Drive. We agree with the Committee that providing access only on the north side of the road would <br /> best serve the Dogwood Acres neighborhood and the park. A sidewalk or trail on the north side <br /> would directly connect with most of the park amenities, Scroggs School, and Southern Village. In <br /> addition the plan proposes a road crossing to the south that would be protected by traffic calming <br /> devices. We also agree that the access need not be a sidewalk. Because of the lack of curb and <br /> gutter on Dogwood Acres Drive pedestrians may be better served by a paved trail that is set back <br /> from the edge of the road. We also agree that the access trail or sidewalk should extend from the <br /> western park boundary to the point where the paved Fan Branch Trail crosses Dogwood Acres <br /> Drive. We believe that the entire length of Dogwood Acres Drive should eventually be served by <br /> sidewalks. However,we believe any such extension beyond the park boundaries and the town limits <br /> should be funded separately from this park development project. <br /> 3. Pedestrian and Bicycle Access: The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board commented that it is <br /> important to provide functional pedestrian and bicycle access as well as recreational access, to <br /> services in and around the park site. In addition, the Transportation Board recommended more <br /> pedestrian connections to Scroggs School. <br /> Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee Comments: The Committee voted to <br />