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2 <br /> additional $100,000 was made available from the 1997 County bonds to hire"a consultant <br /> (OBS Landscape Architects) to develop the conceptual plan, working with a citizen <br /> committee appointed by the Town Council. <br /> In the spring of 2001, the Town of Chapel Mill asked that additional funding be included in a <br /> proposed County bond referendum for the development of Southern Park, noting that no <br /> funding source had been identified for the park, beyond the amount allocated from the <br /> County's 1997 bonds. The Board agreed to allocate $2.0 million of the bond, which was <br /> approved by voters in November 2001, toward the park, <br /> On March 25 of this year, the Town Council adopted the Southern Park conceptual plan; with <br /> one major revision —the replacement of a proposed youth field with a third full-size soccer <br /> field. <br /> Following the consideration of the Conceptual Plan by the Board of Commissioners, and the <br /> resolution of remaining issues regarding the construction process, the Town plans to begin <br /> developing a Special Use Permit application for the park. This process is anticipated to take <br /> approximately one year to complete, and will include additional public comment, resulting in <br /> eventual approval by the Town Council. Following the Special Use Permit, construction <br /> plans for the park would be prepared and, after approval of the project budget and provision <br /> of funds, park construction would begin. <br /> On a related note, as discussed at the Board's September 9 work session, issues related to <br /> the procedure for joint parks projects have been under discussion by the Intergovernmental <br /> Parks Work Group since last fall. As an outgrowth of these discussions, in the spring of this <br /> year, representatives from the Town Council and Board of Commissioners began meeting to <br /> discuss a formal joint process for approval and construction of the park. As a result of <br /> discussion on September 9, the Board asked the Manager and staff to meet to review <br /> possible alternative language for the Board's review and eventual reply. Further discussion <br /> of the process is planned for an upcoming meeting or work session. <br /> Representatives from the Conceptual Plan Committee and consultant will be present to <br /> present the park plan and answer questions. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The projected total cost of the park as shown in the Conceptual Plan <br /> is approximately$3.75 million. Revisions based on changes made by the Town Council to <br /> the plan have not been incorporated into the estimate. A total of$2,795,000 exists from the <br /> combination of 1997 County bonds and approved 2001 County bonds for this project. There <br /> are no Town funds identified for this project. <br /> The $2.0 million in funds from the 2001 bonds are scheduled in the proposed Bond and <br /> Alternative Financing schedule that the Board reviewed on September 3, 2002. The <br /> proposed issue dates, two equal $1.0 million installments in FY 2004-05 and 2005-06, are <br /> consistent with the request from the Town Council. The Town has not yet addressed funding <br /> .the remaining $1 million in the Conceptual Plan budget beyond County funds listed above. <br /> Because of this, plans for phasing of the park construction may be.necessary. <br /> There are financial issues in the Town's July 241h proposed Southern Park process that the <br /> Board has asked the Manager and staff to address, as it regards an inter-local agreement <br />