Orange County NC Website
MEMORANDUM I I <br /> 18. Water Play Area: A Planning Board member indicated that the water play area may present <br /> management issues during water conservation periods. <br /> Staff Comments: If OWASA issues a water conservation alert we could respond by shutting down <br /> the water play area until such time as water levels are at normal levels, <br /> RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Complete recommendations of all Boards and Commissions are attached. <br /> Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board: On February 26, 2002, the Board voted unanimously (6-0) to <br /> recommend that the Council adopt the Report of the Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan <br /> Committee.Please see the attached recommendations. <br /> Comm-u-ni <br /> -Itc Design Commission: The Community Design Commission met on February 5, 2002 and <br /> voted unanimously (9-1) to recommend adoption of the Report of the Southern Community Park <br /> Conceptual Plan Committee. Please seethe attached recommendations. <br /> eenwa s Commission: On February 27, 2002, the Greenways Commission voted unanimously (5-0) <br /> to recommend that the Council adopt the Report of the Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan <br /> Committee.Please see the attached recommendations. <br /> Parks d Recreation Commission: The Commission met on February 21, 2002. The Commission voted <br /> unanimously (7-0) to recommend that the Council adopt the Report of the Southern Community Park <br /> Conceptual Plan Committee.Please see the attached recommendations. <br /> Planning.-Board: The Planning Board met on February 5, 2002 and voted unanimously (9-0) to <br /> recommend adoption of the Report of the Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee. <br /> Please see the attached recommendations. <br /> Trans ortation Board: The Transportation Board met on February 5, 2002 and voted unanimously(9-0) <br /> to,recommend that the Council adopt the Report of the Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan <br /> Committee. Please see the attached recommendations. <br /> Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee: The Committee met on March 12, 2002 and <br /> reviewed the comments and recommendations of the various Boards and Commissions. The Committee <br /> voted unanimously (7-0) to recommend revisions to their Report and that the Council adopt their Report <br /> of the Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee with modifications. Please see the <br /> attached recommendations. <br /> h+hn•//+n.rn.hnll +n..n.n1'nh..,.e11.;11 /.,..o..,l.,�/,..,mnsoc/� c,...+1.e«.Oien!"..,«-......;ham/"'1nD nnnninnn,) <br />