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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: October 1, 2002 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. $-]{ <br /> SUBJECT: Reimbursement to Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools for County's Share of <br /> Construction Costs of Smith Middle School Playing Fields <br /> DEPARTMENT: Budget PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br /> ATTACHMENT (S): <br /> Attachment 1. Smith Middle School INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Construction/K-12 Donna Dean 245-2151 <br /> Campus Capital Project <br /> Ordinance TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br /> Attachment 2. Feb 2001 Development Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> and Joint Use Agreement Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br /> Attachment 3. June 2001 Memorandum Durham 688-7331 <br /> of Understanding Mebane 336-227-2031 <br /> Attachment 4: 9/26/02 Field 3b Q&A <br /> PURPOSE: To approve reimbursement to Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools for the County's <br /> share of construction costs of Smith Middle School playing fields. <br /> BACKGROUND: In May 1999, the Town of Carrboro requested that the Board of <br /> Commissioners agree to partner with the Town and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools to <br /> upgrade the then-proposed athletic fields at the new Smith Middle School to multi-use fields. <br /> The County, Town, and CHCCS entered into a "Development and Joint Use Agreement", <br /> approved by the Board of Commissioners in February 2001, that governs the use of the fields at <br /> Chapel Hill High, Smith Middle, and Seawall Elementary Schools. The agreement assigns <br /> responsibilities to the various parties and outlines cost sharing expectations. A memorandum of <br /> understanding between the parties was subsequently approved by the BOCC in June 2001 to <br /> provide for payment of the costs associated with unanticipated drainage way improvements. <br /> The cost to upgrade the fields was not included in the School district's original cost projections <br /> for Smith Middle School. Therefore, the Town and School Boards requested that the <br /> Commissioners split the additional costs equally between the County and the Town. The <br /> anticipated cost of the field upgrade totaled $150,000 at that time with the County and the Town <br /> contributing $75,000 each to the project. As construction of the fields progressed, there was a <br /> need for additional work to ensure adherence to Carrboro development regulations governing <br /> proper drainage of the fields. The costs associated with the drainage work increased the costs <br /> associated with the fields by $78,117, bringing the total field cost to $228,117. In accordance <br /> with the County and Town agreement to split the cost equally, the County's share of the <br /> additional construction cost for the athletic fields is $114,058, an increase of $39,058 over the <br /> original estimate. <br />