Orange County NC Website
MU8 Profeactonal Animal-Services;Consulfatlarri Progr�i:Overview <br /> Page 11 <br /> THE PRODUCT <br /> Based on our comprehensive assessment,The HSUS will conduct a formal oral presentation at the end of the <br /> site visit,followed by a final,comprehensive written report that includes The HSUS'a findings,supportive <br /> data,and rleepmme udafions for improvements.Reports include any immediate concerns and areas of focus, <br /> which your agency should address within six to eight weeks,as well as suggest&1 short-range goals and long- <br /> term strategic planning,recommendations,and proposed methods of implementation. <br /> Once the ASC team has presented a final report to an agency, a wor3vog task force (identified, and <br /> implemented by the agency)reviews the document and develops plans for implementation.This group's <br /> advice and recommendations are thenprovided to appropriate officials,and the group's progress and resulting <br /> actions are closely monitored. <br /> After the issuance of the report,The HSUS is available for follow-up and remains your partner,providing <br /> ongoing support to ensure that you meet your goals and become a force for change. <br /> THE COST <br /> The HSUS Animal Services Consultation Team is prepared to perform a comprehensive review and analysis <br /> ofcmrent service delivery methods,and to make recommendations regarding strategies that will provide the <br /> most streamlined, cost-effective, and innovative animal care and control programs and services for the <br /> citizens of your community. <br /> Fees are based on a multitude offictors,including the scope ofservices requested and the agency's available <br /> resources.Ifrequested,an HSUS Animal Services Consultation proposal can be sent that includes specifics <br /> such as the team size,number ofdays necessary to complete the task,and a quoted fee for services performed. <br />