Orange County NC Website
a. Minutes <br /> The Board will consider approval and/or correction of minutes from the following meetings: May 23, <br /> 2002 budget presentation/work session, May 28, 2002 quarterly public hearing, June 4, 2002 regular meeting, <br /> June 11, 2002 budget work session, June 17, 2002 budget work session, and, June 18, 2002 regular meeting. <br /> b. Economic Development Commission—Three Reappointments <br /> The Board will consider three reappointments to the Economic Development Commission. <br /> C. Property Tax Refunds <br /> The Board will consider four requests for property tax refunds. <br /> d. Property Value Changes <br /> The Board will consider approving value changes made in property values after the 2002 Board of <br /> Equalization and review adjourned. <br /> e. Late Applications for Property Homestead Exemption <br /> The Board will consider two late requests for granting homestead exemptions for the 2002 tax year. <br /> f. Change in BOCC Regular Meeting Schedule <br /> The Board will consider changing its regular meeting schedule to add a forum on mental health reform <br /> issues on Tuesday, October 8, 7 p.m., at the Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill. <br /> a Employee Dental Insurance for 2003 <br /> The Board will consider confirming the County's dental insurance rates for 2003 with no increase in <br /> rates paid by employees, and to authorize a renewal with Delta Dental as the County's dental insurance plan <br /> administrator effective Jan. 1, 2003. <br /> h. Proposed Environmental Summit and Conservation Award <br /> The Board will consider a proposal by the Commission for the Environment to hold an environmental <br /> summit in March of alternating years to bring together members of environmental organizations and present the <br /> State of the Environment report and a proposed new Orange County Conservation award. <br /> L Agreements Renewal Between Health Department.the UNC School of Dentistry and UNC <br /> Hospitals <br /> The Board will consider renewing an agreement with the UNC School of Dentistry and UNC Hospotals <br /> for dental resident service at a cost of$44,333 for fiscal year 2002-2003. <br /> L Agreement with Certified Nurses Aide Providers for Adult Day Health Program and the <br /> Department on Aging <br /> The Board will consider agreements with certified nurse aide providers to support operations of the <br /> new Central Orange Day Health Care Program at a total program cost of$$145,918, with the County providing <br /> $40,000 of that cost. <br /> k. Reimbursement to Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools for County's Share of Construction Costs <br /> of Smith Middle School Playing Fields (9:45-10:00) <br /> The Board will consider approval of a reimbursement in the amount of$114,058 to the Chapel Hill- <br /> Carrboro City Schools for the County's share of construction costs of Smith Middle School playing fields. <br /> I. Lease Approval: Temporary Location for Health Clinic During Whitted Building Renovation <br /> The Board will consider a lease of a modular unit from GE Capital in which to relocate the Hillsborough <br /> health clinic and some Health Department staff during HVAC replacement at the Witted Building. The lease would <br /> be six months at a total cost of$38,000, including $1,200 per month plus setup costs. <br /> M. Lease Approval: Temporary Location for Dental Clinic During Whiffed Building Renovation <br /> The Board will consider a lease of approximately 3,600 square feet of office space on St. Mary's Road <br /> in which to relocate the Hillsborough dental clinic and some Health Department staff during HVAC replacement at <br /> the Whitted Building. The lease would be for seven months at a cost of$25,200. <br /> n. Bid Award: Road Tractor for Landfill Operations <br /> The Board will consider awarding a bid to Piedmont Truck Center of Greensboro for a road tractor for <br /> use in landfill operations, at a delivered cost of$77,950. <br /> 9. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br /> a. Review and Consideration of the Southern Park Conceptual Plan Committee Report (8:40-9:00) <br /> The Board will review and consider the report of the Southern Park Conceptual Plan Committee. <br /> b. Economic Development Commission—One Appointment (9:00-9:05) <br /> The Board will consider one appointment to the Economic Development Commission. <br /> C. Jury Commission —One Appointment (9:05-9:10) <br /> The Board will consider one appointment to the Jury Commission <br /> d. Orange County Planning Board—One Appointment (9:10-9:15) <br /> The Board will consider one appointment to the Orange County Planning Board. <br /> e. Human Relations Commission—One Appointment (9:15-9:20) <br /> The Board will consider one appointment to the Human Relations Commission. <br /> 2 <br />