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MEMORANDUM _ ct <br /> the section of Dogwood Acres Drive that bisects the Town's property for the purpose of installing <br /> traffic calming devices (see page 20 of the Report). The purpose of such transfer of control would <br /> be to allow the Town to install traffic calming devices that NCDOT would not permit on a State <br /> controlled road, as well as control speed limits and signage, We believe that strong and effective <br /> traffic calming and signage programs should be in place to protect park patrons. ,However, we <br /> believe that further research is necessary prior to selection of the type,number and location of traffic <br /> calming devices and signs. These details would be better addressed in the project's Special Use <br /> Permit phase. <br /> 11. Benches: The Transportation Board recommends that the plan clarify the number of benches <br /> along the proposed trail. <br /> Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee Comments: The Committee agreed that <br /> benches should be a part of the plan. <br /> Staff' Comments: We agree that the conceptual plan should acknowledge the need for benches. <br /> However, we believe the number and location of benches would be a matter best addressed during <br /> preparation of the Special Use Permit application. <br /> 12. Bus Access: The Transportation Board recommended that the plan address bus access to the park <br /> and designate stop locations. <br /> Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee Comments: The Committee agreed that the <br /> plan should address issues related to bus routes and stops. <br /> Staff Continents: We agree that the conceptual plan should better address bus access and identify <br /> potential bus stop locations. The plan was designed to provide easy bus access to both the park and <br /> park and ride lot. However, the plan could be revised to more adequately articulate this beneficial <br /> relationship. We believe that the actual location of the bus stops should be designated during the <br /> Special Use Permit process. <br /> 13. Light Pollution:Light pollution from the park should be minimized, <br /> Staff Comments: We believe that the Committee has done a good job segregating the major light <br /> sources from the nearby residential uses. We anticipate using light fixtures that would minimise <br /> light spillover onto adjacent properties. We believe that this project should meet the 014 Zone <br /> lighting requirements recently imposed on the University for its main campus expansion. <br /> 14. Dog Park Issues: The Planning Board recommended deletion of the restroom facility proposed to <br /> be located adjacent to the dog park. A Community Design Commission member asked whether a <br /> special septic detention area should be designed to handle dog waste run-off from the dog park. A <br /> Planning Board member questioned the need for dog parks. <br /> Southern Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee Comments: The Committee voted to <br /> recommend that the restroom stay in the conceptual plan at least until the feasibility of the facility <br /> can be determined during the Special Use Permit process. They suggested that the idea be dropped <br /> at the Special Use Permit phase if it proves to be impractical. The Committee did not support the <br /> idea of providing a special septic detention area for the dog park. <br /> Staff Comments: We believe that the dog park will generate sufficient use to warrant construction of <br /> a restroom facility. Currently, the single greatest subject of complaint from citizens using park <br />