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535 <br />- 14 - <br />of doubt as to the legality of a request for a Zoning . <br />Permit the Zoning Officer shall deny the request. <br />Appeal from decisions of the Zoning Officer may be <br />made, to the Board of Adjustment. <br />11.3 Zoning Permit <br />11.3.1 <br />No building, structure or part thereof designed <br />or intended to be used for other then farm <br />purposes shall be erected or structurally <br />altered, nor shall a mobile home be located <br />or relocated on a lot or apace other than in <br />a mobile home park, nor sball any mobile home, <br />regardless of location, be structurally <br />altered or accessory added thereto, nor shell <br />any excavation or other land preparation be <br />commenced nor shall any sign be erected, re- <br />placed or repaired, nor shall land be used <br />for non -farm purposes until a Zoning Permit <br />therefor has been issued by the Zoning <br />Officer. <br />11.3.2 <br />Each application for a Zoning Permit shall <br />include a plat in duplicate, drawn to a suitable <br />scale, showing accurate dimensions of the lot <br />to be used, accurate location and dimensions <br />of the structure or mobile home to be erected, <br />located, or altered and such other information <br />necessary for the enforcement of this ordinance. <br />A statement of intended use of each lot, <br />structure or mobile home shall be filed with <br />each application. A careful record of all <br />applications and supporting information, to- <br />gather with the action token; shell be kept <br />in the Zoning Office. <br />11.4 Certificate <br />of Occupancy <br />11.4.1 <br />After the effective date of this ordinance, <br />the use of no land or structure shall be changed, <br />nor shall any structure erected or altered <br />after said date be occupied or used until n' <br />Certificate of Occupancy shall have been issued <br />by the Zoning Officer. The Certificate of . <br />Occupancy, stating, that the changed land use or <br />completed structure complies with the provisions <br />of this ordinance, shall be applied for at the <br />same time as the Zoning Permit and shall be ' <br />I ssued by the 'Zoning Officer within 10 days after <br />he shall determine compliance. <br />.%� e <br />