Orange County NC Website
- 10 - <br />8.3 Nuisance or Hazard <br />All blasting, drilling, and other sources of noise, <br />vibration, flying debris, and dust shall be conducted <br />in such a way as to cause no nuisance or hazard to <br />adjacent or neighboring properties. <br />8.4 Stream Pollution <br />At no time shall extractive or processing operations <br />result in an effluent or discharge which discolors, <br />"muddies up," or otherwise pollutes any stream or water <br />course. All effluent or discharge from extractive or <br />processing operations shall be treated if necessary <br />by techniques approved by the State Stream Sanitation <br />Committee. <br />8.5 Stream Flow <br />No extractive use or processing shall impede the normal <br />flow of any stream or water course. <br />8.6 Flooding <br />No extractive use or processing shall be conducted in <br />such a way as to produce a flooding hazard to adjacent <br />or neighboring properties at any time. pikes, dams, <br />or other barriers necessary to prevent such flooding <br />shall be erected before beginning said operations or <br />as necessary during the. course of such operations. <br />Thes3 barriers shall afford the same protection as if <br />no excavation or processing had been made. <br />8.7 Public Road or Bridge <br />No extractive use shall be conducted in a manner which <br />may undermine a public road or bridge. <br />8.8 Fencing <br />seas being excavated shall be enclosed with a cyclone- <br />type fence no less than six feet in height, of wire <br />mesh, located no less than 10 feet from the excavation <br />edge, wherever in the determination of the Zoning <br />Officer it shall be necessary for safety. <br />8.9 Rehabilitation Plan <br />A rehabilitation plan for each extractive use site <br />shall be approved by the Planning Board prior to the <br />issuance of a zoning permit. The rehabilitation plan <br />shall include but not be limited to the following <br />elements: <br />