Agenda - 09-17-2002 - 6c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-17-2002
Agenda - 09-17-2002 - 6c
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Last modified
7/20/2017 10:08:53 AM
Creation date
8/29/2008 11:01:53 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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2002 S EDC - Cooperative Agreement Between the USA Commodity Credit Corporation and OC for the Farmland Protection Program
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2002
Minutes - 20020917
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2002
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TnnwuTe 0anv02 <br /> 4.Non-goveromemkd organizations shall continue to meet the requirements specified in <br /> Title ll,Subtitle F,Section 2503 of die Fawn Security and Rural Investment AU of 2002. The <br /> Act stales that eligible organizations ere"any organization that- <br /> (A)is organized for,aM at all times since the formation of me organization has been <br /> operated principally for, l or more of the conservation purposes specified in clause <br /> (i),(i), (iii),or(iv)of section 170(h)(4)(A)aside Intmlal Revenne Code of 1986; <br /> (B)ism organization described in section 501(c)(3)ofmat Code that is exempt from <br /> immation under 501 (a)of that Code; <br /> (C)is described in section 509(a)(2)of mat Code or <br /> (D)is described in section 509(a)(3)of chat Cade and is controlled by an organization <br /> described in section 509(a)(2)of that Code" <br /> 5. Orange County shall incorporate into each deed in which CCC finds are used as par[ <br /> of the acquisition the`Contingent Right in the United States of America"provision described in <br /> Part V of Us Cooperative Agreement,as well as thus other trimmed clauses set PoM in Part V <br /> Section A5 of Nis Cooperative Agreement. <br /> 6. Prior m payment certification, Orange County shall ensure that all lends for which a <br /> conservation easement or ther maintain in land has bean acquired AM have a covscrvation plan,as <br /> described in Pont VI ofthds Cooperative Agreement <br /> 7.Orange County shall pro obit all nonregdcdtural uses of the encumbered properties, <br /> excluding recreational uses,such as hi6'ng,housing,fisbm&boating,horecbmic riding that will <br /> not conflict with the purpose of Section 2503 of the Fmm Security and Rural Investment Act of <br /> 2002(Pub. L. 107-171.) <br /> 8. Oa ige County shall monitor FPP parcels on at least an aunual basis to ensure that the <br /> conservation easement is being implemented according to the deed provisions. <br /> 9, m dermand conservation easements or other interests m lead,Orange County shall <br /> suue that the title to the lands or moment t therein shall be imencumbaed or,ifenemmbered by <br /> continuing or reserved interests,Orange County shell ensure that my outstanding interest ere <br /> subordimted to the cmtscrvation easemenn Orange County shall USurethat proper title <br /> evidence is seamed and thatthe tide of the interest required by the United States is insured to <br /> the amount ofthe CCC price paid for the United States interest. Orange County shall enure <br /> that American Land Titre Association (ALTA)title msurance will be issued For all acquisitions, <br /> and that to title insurance company complies with all state laws,including title insurance and <br /> sanerequiremenm,calls approved bythe Seem insurance Commissioner. mdaeverafa <br /> failure oftide,Orange County will reimburse de Sorted States for the summit paid by CCC, <br /> less any amcuvt paldto the United States from title iruurarme. <br /> 10. Orange County mall ensure theittlme consideration paid to any landowners for the <br /> vvmrium m Orange County of any conservation easements m other irerests in lands is no <br /> more than the fair murder value of the land or interests conveyed. Prior a confutative agssroom <br /> 6 <br />
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