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12 <br /> 2.2 The Vice-Chairman shall conduct the duties of the Chairman in the event of the Chairman's absence. <br /> 2.3 The administrative.coordination for the RTAC shall be performed by the Kerr-Tar COG Transportation <br /> Planner, as staff for the Kerr-Tar RPO. The Kerr-Tar RPO Transportation Planner shall: <br /> • Keep minutes of the RTAC meetings in proper form for the approval of the RTAC at its next <br /> regular meeting. <br /> • Mail notices of regular meetings of the RTAC,with a copy of the agenda, in accordance with <br /> Article V of these rules. <br /> • Give notice of special meetings Called in accordance with North Carolina Open Meeting Law. <br /> •r Maintain all files,records, and Correspondence of the RTAC. ._ <br /> 2.4 Should neither the Chairman nor Vice-Chairman be able to preside at a meeting, the RTAC shall <br /> appoint a Chairman Pro-Temp for that meeting or until such time the Chairman or Vice-Chairman can <br /> resume their responsibilities. <br /> ARTICLE V-WEMGS <br /> Section 1-Regular Meetings: <br /> The RTAC shall meet when it is deemed necessary, appropriate, and advisable. The RTAC shall meet <br /> on an as needed (on-call) basis as determined by the Chairman of the RTAC and at a time to be <br /> determined by the Chairman of the RTAC. Meeting notice and agenda are to be mailed no later than <br /> seven (7)days prior to a determined RTAC meeting date. <br /> Section 2-Special Meetings: <br /> Special meetings may be called by the Chairman, or at the request of three(3)eligible voting members of <br /> the RTAC petitioning the Chairman. Notice of special meetings shall be given in accordance with Open <br /> Meeting Laws of the North Carolina General Statues. <br /> Section 3-Workshops: <br /> The RTAC may choose to hold workshops from time to time. Notification of all workshops shall be mailed <br /> to RTAC members in the same manner as regular meetings of the RTAC. <br /> Section 4-Attendance: <br /> RTAC member are expected to attend each regular meeting and each special meeting of the RTAC. If a <br /> RTAC member is unable to attend a meeting, notice should be given by the member to be absent,to the <br /> Kerr-Tar RPO Transportation Planner. RTAC members are allowed to designate an alternate to attend <br /> meetings in their absence, providing such alternate member meets the same membership requirements <br /> as the absent member. Should a member fail to attend, or make arrangements for an alternate to attend, <br /> five(5)or more meetings in any one(1)fiscal year period(July to June),the RTAC Chairman shall <br /> contact said member to discuss consideration of a replacement member for that unit of government or <br /> organization. <br /> Section 5-Agenda: <br /> The agenda is a list of considerations for discussion at a meeting. Any member of the RTAC can place <br /> items on the agenda prior to its distribution, by notifying the RTAC Chairman and/or the Kerr-Tar RPO <br /> Transportation Planner. Additional items may be placed on the regular agenda at the beginning of the <br /> RTAC meeting on the date of the meeting, if approved by a majority vote of the present and eligible voting <br /> members. <br />