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ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: September 3, 2002 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. <br /> SUBJECT: Agreement with UNC Hospitals for Healthy Carolinians Coordinator Funds <br /> DEPARTMENT: Health PUBLIC HEARING: (YIN) No <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Agreement Rosemary Summers, ext 2411 <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br /> Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Chapel Hill 9684501 <br /> Durham 688-7331 <br /> Mebane 336-227-2031 <br /> PURPOSE: To consider approving an agreement between UNC Hospitals and the Health <br /> Department for funds to support the Healthy Carolinians Coordinator. <br /> BACKGROUND: The Healthy Carolinians of Orange County process began work in 1995 with <br /> an extensive community assessment. The County, the UNC School of Public Health, and the <br /> UNC Hospitals were all contributing financial partners in this initial effort. The Board of <br /> Commissioners authorized the creation of the Healthy Carolinians Coordinator position during <br /> the FY 1999-2000 budget deliberations as a Health Department position and agreed to <br /> supports the position and expenses at a 50% level. This authorization was contingent upon the <br /> ability.of the Health Department to secure funds for the remaining 50% of the cost of the <br /> position. The position was first filled in June of 2000 with the following combination of funds: <br /> 50% from the County; $10,000 from the State of North Carolina; and $11,122 from the <br /> University of North Carolina. The state funds and the funds from UNC comprised 50% of the <br /> salary and benefits for the position. Recruitment for the original position took six months and <br /> the position was vacant for five months in 2001 —from July 2001 until November 2001. Since <br /> the funds from UNC were deposited to the grant account, the funds that would have been <br /> expended for salary during those time periods remained in the grant account and can be used <br /> this year to fund a portion of the salary for the position. <br /> For this fiscal year, the salary and benefits for the position total $45,904 and are being funded <br /> by the following sources: $10,000 funds from the state; $5,000 from UNC Hospitals; and $7,821 <br /> from the previous years' unexpended balance in the account (the unexpended balance for <br /> salary totals $10,195). UNC Hospitals is a new funding source this year, although they have <br /> been a partner in the Orange County Healthy Carolinians effort since its inception in 1995 and <br /> have funded a number of activities related to the effort. Approval of agreement allows the <br /> County to accept the funds from UNC Hospitals. <br />