Minutes - 19661215
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19661215
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' 512 <br />Section 2. When the foregoing statement shall have been signed by a majority <br />of the members of this Board and delivered to the Clerk, the latter shall record <br />it in the minutes of the Board, and such statement shall be filed in the office of <br />said Clerk and published by said Clerk once in The News of Orange County. A notice <br />in substantially the following form, with the printed signature of the Clerk <br />appended thereto, shall be published with the foregoing statement: <br />TO THE CITIZENS AND TAXPAYERS OF ORANGE COUNTY: <br />No right of action or defense founded upon the invalidity of the election <br />mentioned in the foregoing statement shall be asserted, nor shall the validity of <br />such election be open to question in any court upon any ground whatever, except in <br />an action or proceeding commenced within thirty days after the publication of the <br />foregoing statement. <br />BETTY JUNE HAYES <br />Clerk, Hoard of Commissioners <br />for the <br />County of Orange, North Carolina <br /> <br />Upon motion of Commissioner ward, seconded by Commissioner Walker, the fore- <br />going resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF THE RESULT OF THE <br />SPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD DECEMBER 13, 1966 IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, AND PROVIDING <br />FOR THE RECORDING, FILING AND PUBLICATION THEREOF" was passed by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Commissioners Bennett, Ray, Walker and Ward <br />Noes: None <br />The County Administrator reported to the Board the results of a conference <br />with the Medical Care Commission, attended by Chairman Bennett, Dr. 0. David Garvin <br />and himself, concerning the proposed public health building which is to be built <br />East of the courthouse on Margaret Lane. The Medical Care Commission estimates that <br />the cost of this building will be approximately $132,097.24. The Commission has <br />agreed to provide $50,000.00 of the total suns necessary to build and equipt this <br />proposed health building. The Commission also is of the opinion that $11,250.00 <br />is necessary to adequately equipt said building. The County has provided in the <br />"1964-196V budget the sum of $25,000.00 and there was also provided in the 1966-1967 <br />budget the sum of $60,000.00, this means that an additional committment of <br />$7,347.25 must be provided for by the County. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ward, seconded by Commissioner Ray, it was moved <br />and unanimously adopted that the County Administrator be authorized to write the <br />Medical Care Commission and advise them that Orange County does commit the <br />additional sum of $7,347.25 to the construction and equipment of the proposed <br />health building. <br />Discussion ensued concerning smoking in the courtroom. The Board requested the <br />County Attorney to draft an ordinance prohibiting smoking in the courtroom of the <br />courthouse and requested that said ordinance be presented to them for consideration <br />at the next regular Commissioners meeting. <br />The County Administrator presented a proposed contract with Mrs. Faye Hewlett, <br />court reporter, covering the calender year of 1967. The terms of this contract were <br />the same as the previous contract, between the County and Mrs. Hewlett, which expire: <br />on December 21, 1966. The financial agreement of said contract paid Mrs. Hewlett <br />was $150.00 per week plus expenses estimated at $40.00 per week. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ray, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it-was moved <br />and unanimously adopted, Chairman Bennett was authorized to execute the contract <br />between Orange County and Mrs. Faye Hewlett, Court Reporter. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board said meeting was <br />adjourned. <br />Harvey D. Bennett <br />Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />S. M. Gattis, Acting Clerk
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